Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Unfortunately, I've really hurt my spine. Some of you know that I've had a number of spine surgeries with the result that my neck and lower back are almost completely fused. I have done something very painful to the part of my spine that isn't surgically fused. It's been almost a week now since I hurt it so I am beginning to think that it may not get better fast.

Shyla arrived in my life when the spine surgeries were still fairly recent. So, I almost immediately trained her to do a few things that help me when my spine is painful. One fun one is that she picks up almost anything that I drop. Usually, I say "oops" to signal her, and she dives to grab whatever is on the floor. She loves doing it. The funny part is that she also picks up things that I intentionally place on the ground - like my mittens when I need to use my fingers. She has trained me not to place things on the ground if I can avoid it!

My motto is to keep moving, no matter how much my spine hurts so Shyla and I are trying to follow our normal routine. We have been out for sunrise, and we saw a particularly colorful one the other morning.

Shyla was relaxing behind me on a boulder while I looked toward the sun.

Shyla is, quite simply, balm for my soul. Of course, she's not perfect (she is naughty sometimes - yes, even Shyla) but she's a loving and loyal best friend.
 Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. she is loving, loyal and LOVELY to look at also.. sorry about the back. maybe you should see a doctor and make sure it will heal itself...so sorry for the pain and I love that she picks up your mittens

  2. We are sending you tons of AireZen and healing vibes, KB, and hoping that you feel better soon. Take good care of your mom, sweet and beautiful Shyla.

  3. Hari OM
    As my arthritic spine has been giving me 'lolly' this week, you have my sympathy!!! Sending healing vibes to you and waggles to Shyla. YAM xx

  4. We're sorry to hear you are hurting so much and have our paws crossed that you will feel better soon. We can't believe that your sweet Shyla is ever naughty. ;-)

  5. Dang, we sure hope you back feels better quicker than you expect.

  6. Have you ever looked into homeopathy? Arnica and rhus tox and bryonia are good for overdoing areas of our body. Look them up and see which one fits. Most health food stores carry remedies and look for 30c as your potency.

  7. KB I'm so sorry to hear about your back injury....even a simple backache can make one feel miserable SO i can only imagine how you must feel... Shyla is amazing and I love "that she is balm for your soul". Of course her photos are lovely!!
    Take care of yourself
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Sorry to hear about the spine and hope it rights itself soon. Having short dogs, I don't think they could help much with dropped objects. Have to bend over too far.

  9. We hope that the pain goes away soon and you can take it easy for a few days with some rest. Shyla, we just love the beautiful sunshine on your face. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend and hope all is better soon.
    World of Animals

  10. Oh KB, I'm so sorry you are having a tougher-than-usual patch, but I'm glad you're finding it possible - if not always pleasant - to keep moving! I'll be thinking of you, and hoping the pain lets up soon.
    p.s. A couple of years ago I taught Piper to pick up her empty bowl and hand it to me, so I can spare myself one "lean" at each mealtime. We do this every single day, but just last week she suddenly started "forgetting" what the "dish" hand-signal means - yes, Piper is naughty sometimes, too ;)

  11. So sorry about yet another back injury. The pain seems worse than almost any other and it is so hard to find comfort. It's wonderful that you have a soulmate dog to help. I'm sending lots of good wishes and vibes. I do hope you improve more quickly than you fear.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your back! I'll be praying for you.

  13. I know how hard pain is to live with, so I hope your injury improves soon. Sending you hugz Mxx

  14. Well, darn it. You are one tough cookie, KB. Glad you're up and moving, as you've said lying in bed is even worse. Glad Shyla can help out at times (well, all the time - but especially when you need her services).

    Hang in there!
    Chris from Boise

  15. I'm so sorry about your back and I hope it feels better soon! It's so wonderful you have Shyla to help you! ((hugs))

  16. I'm so sorry about your spine, but you are one tough lady! I'm glad you have Shyla to help you, even if she is a bit over-zealous at times! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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