Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I burst out into the frigid air before sunrise almost every morning. I ask her to sit and stay while I get on my bike. I start to pedal and she trots along next to me. Recently, much to my surprise, I've heard a chickadee singing his springtime song in our clearing before sunrise, I whistle his two note song back to him, starting a daily conversation between him and me. Perhaps he's singing because our days are now a couple of minutes longer than at the solstice. That's worth a celebration song!

Actual morning sunshine has been rare recently but it happens every now and then. Look at my girl as the first sun rays kissed her beautiful face on a sunny day. She is next my favorite type of pine tree - a Ponderosa Pine. I love it for its rough, aromatic, and deep orange bark.

As the sun gets a tiny bit stronger, I decide to ask Shyla to stand on Angel K's favorite perch. Shyla does not naturally love this spot like I do. After playing with Shyla a bit, I manage to coax a happy look from her. Do you see the snowy mountains behind her?
This morning photography session is an almost daily thing - it's a way that I can be sure that I spend some time with my camera every day. 2019 was a year of very intentionally trying to improve my photography - and one of the keys is spending time on it daily (in the beautiful sunrise light).

As the sun gets higher in the sky, we roll off to try to get some real exercise - me pedaling and Shyla running. I feel so lucky to have this wonderful girl as my partner in our daily mountain outing.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. You look glowing and warm in that first photo with your Ponderosa Pine, Shyla! Gorgeous pictures!

  2. The brilliant sun enhances her beautiful furs and makes her GLOW. so beautiful

  3. Outstanding Imagines - I Thank You For Rolling Out Of Bed Early And Romping About Like A Pup Yourself - Proud Of You

    P.S. BLK Dog Would Love A Just Because Treat From Uncle T

  4. Beautiful shots! The scenery and the model are both wonderful.

  5. All that practice has made for some totally perfect photos!

  6. Shyla and that tree complement each other quite well!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Shyla you love the out of doors at least as much as the gorgeous Sunshine loves to turn you into a Golden Girl.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That Shyla snow nose is totally adorable!

  9. Maybe the song bird was one of your angels singing to you

    1. What a wonderful thought. Thanks. He's still singing so I'll keep talking with him. He makes me smile in this dark time of year.

  10. I'm with Shyl about that spot - too high, too narrow. *shudder*

  11. What a wonderful welcome to the day. You sound like you have great mornings with Shyla.


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