Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Black Dog Sunday - Never Say "I can't"

Our Black Dog has had a good winter week. He adores the snow. Perhaps his favorite part is rolling in the snow but he doesn't let me photograph that! He also loves doing recalls in the snow.

After a cold and blustery early part of the week, it suddenly turned much warmer yesterday. Thanks to the shoveling efforts of the Runner, we had a section of the deck ready for R to do his chair zooming game.

I was amazed and astounded that he can still play this game as a blind dog. To get us started, I showed him where the opening under the chairs was. Then, we did the same game that we've done for years since his elbow was replaced. He crawls forward under the chairs. I give him treats to reward that part. Then, I say "reverse", and he crawls backwards under the chairs.

I am overjoyed that R can do this despite blindness! R was ecstatic when he realized what we were about to do (before I turned the camera on). He barked his happy bark! You can watch here or at Youtube.


  1. I have tears of joy in my eyes, for this precious black dog doing his thing in spite of losing his sight. I am sure to the bottom of my heart that this makes him feel good inside to know he can still do it... give him a tight hug from me

  2. Yay, R! You are such an inspiration! I have never rolled in the snow before. Maybe I need to try that out - next time we get snow.

  3. Unbelievable Video!! He Is About Two Chairs Away From Being A Circus Dog. Just Because Treats For Everyone. Keep Livin The Good Life BLK Dog.


  4. OMDs. R...I am in AWE of your ability to do such a great forward crawl BUT BACKWARDS...OMDs well done handsome shiny black friend.
    You Mom thinks of some of the best enrichment activities for all of you!!
    Hugs and Hi5's

  5. PS can K9's make snow angels when they roll in the snow?

  6. We can understand how a blind R can do the chair game backwards but he does a great job going forward too.

  7. Bravo R, you're amazing pal but we're not surprised!

  8. Wow, that's incredible. I know I couldn't maneuver that well!

  9. I never would have thought of such a unique trick. Good job!

  10. The reversing...incredible!! Such a clever boy.

  11. Go, R!! He is simply amazing. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. How cool is this! I love this fun game - And it's easy to see that R has had a lot of practice doing it and loves it too!

  13. You can't keep the R dog down. I think he can adapt to anything. Keep on going rock star.

  14. He is a wonder dog for sure. Fantastic attitude and all heart.

  15. Wow! love watching R doing his chair thing!
    Mabel & Hilda


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