Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Flu and Hachi Chronicle

Despite getting flu shots, influenza has us humans very sick so this will be short. We got Tamiflu today so maybe that will help us to get better faster.
Hachi has handled us both being confined to bed way better than I would have expected. He’s a dog who likes his routine, and the routine has been blown to pieces. I’m really happy with him.

The photo was from our most recent desert trip. The warmth and sun of the desert sound like nirvana to me right now.


  1. Hari OM
    As you know, we've had it go through the Mac clan, so our sympathies and healing thoughts!!! HI5 Hachi, HI5! YAM xx

  2. High 5 right back atcha, Hachi! We hope you and the Runner feel better soon, KB.

  3. HIGH five sweet Hachi, hope you both kick that flu bug quickly, maybe that will happens sense you had the flue shot. see you when you feel better.

  4. Get well soon and pups know when their peeps are sick. That could be part of it. He'll guard you until you're well again. So precious.

    Get well soon so you can resume your normal schedule. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Feel better soon. So stormy and windy here today. I'm stuck inside too (but not sick).

  6. KB and Runner I am so very sorry to read this. Tamiflu is said to be wonderful I hope that is the case with you. Being older than dirt, we were given the high powered flu vaccine...but who really knows. I have a follow up today on my laser gum surgery last September.
    I usually DONOT go to the dentist in flu season. According to the new our County, Wake, is full of the mess. Even medical staff in some places calling in sick. I'm sure they got shots but each year the vaccine is said to be not quite 100%
    Healing hugs Cecilia

  7. Oh no, so sorry to hear the uprights are under the weather. We hope you feel better fast. Such a cute photo of your Hachi boy.

  8. We hope the Tamiflu works fast for you and the Runner - the flu is no fun at all. So far we have escaped it, although some of the extended family has had some pretty nasty colds. Feel better.

  9. I sure hope the all better tracks you down super soon.

  10. So glad to hear Hachi is handling the change in routine like a champ! Such good news. Rest and feel better soon. (((HUGS)))

  11. Paws crossed that you feel better soon. We're glad to hear Hachi is doing well with the disruption.

  12. Hope you're both feeling better soon. Good work Hachi helping your humans feel better.

  13. Mom doesn't believe in the flu shot for dogs or people unless they are frail, or very old. We dogs got the nasty flu a few years ago despite the shot. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Someone is swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We hope you feel better soon.

  15. Hope you beat that flu bug soon!

  16. Yikes! Prayers and POTP for a quick recovery. Amy, Lucy and Xena

  17. Ugh, nothing throws things off more than being sick. I'm glad Hachi is doing well with it. None of my dogs ever seemed to understand the concept of humans being sick and still expected everything to be on schedule! LOL Hope you are both feeling better very soon.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Hope you are feeling better by now. We had our share of being sick before the Christmas holidays
    Mabel & Hilda

  19. Lee loves her routine too, but when we are sick, she seems to understand and is really good. Glad you are on the mend.


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