Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Easy Tuesday

I'm still under the weather so I chose a few easy images from this winter to share with you.

From November, this was the last bear track that I saw for the season. His paw was bigger than my hand but not by too much.

I saw that track not too far from this view.

We live in a place where it's possible to go down 2500' in elevation in a short distance so it's much less snowy a short distance from our house.

This was from a bike ride to lower elevation. While down there, I looked back toward our mountains.

And this was from a trip down to the flats to take Shyla to the vet. I saw the sunset unfolding, and I had to pull over to take a photo of it. Those cloud shapes happen when it is super windy, and indeed it was incredibly blustery that day.
Although winter can be harsh, the beauty still shines through.


  1. that is beautiful!!! the track wasn't from Tiny, right? more a bear named big foot? ;O)))

  2. You live in such a beautiful spot! We watched a movie not long ago called Belle and Sebastian. It doesn't take place in CO but the countryside reminded us of your place in the world - so serene and gorgeous and peaceful.

  3. that sky is spectacular! I can't get over how similar the paw is to your hand. I would never have guessed it was a bear paw print

  4. As Beautiful As Your Soul - Thanx For Being You - Stay Strong

    The Tribe Would Love A Just Because Treat says BLK Dog

  5. What beautiful pictures. I love the comparison of your had to the bear print.

  6. Beautiful. Your photography is so amazing.

    Feel better soon. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Hari OM
    Yes. I am choosing to see the pretty in the rain blattering the pane right now...! YAM xx

  8. We love the beautiful photos that you shared. It was great seeing your handprint compared to the bear track. The beautiful sky photo is just so colorful. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  9. You really do live in a magical place. I sure hope you feel better super soon.

  10. Hi KB thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos in spite of feeling horrid. I hope tamiflu helped shorten the malady
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. So much beauty! Am always grateful for your shares of that beauty and wonder.

  12. Sorry to hear you've been hit by the flu, KB! I hope you're on the mend and feeling better soon.

  13. I try to get out every day for a little ride/walk to find beauty...even on a rainy day.
    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  14. I looked at all the pictures several times, and cannot even begin to choose the one I like best. They are all so different and so beautiful. "Down to the flats" cracked me up.

  15. I love the beauty of where I live, but I don't know, it seems so - simple - compared to the beauty you see! You are very blessed to live where you do. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Very pretty! My favorite is the sunset. The colors are just spectacular!!

  17. The paw hand photo, without explanation is quite freaky

  18. Flu - ugh! Hang in there, KB and family!

  19. Such beautiful country!
    Mabel & Hilda


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