Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

P.S. Thanks for all of the well wishes for a speedy recovery. Neither of us is a lot better yet. We are hearing that the flu been lasting a long time in most people. Maybe the Tamiflu that we are taking will shorten it some. Steer clear of germs!


  1. yes... it sadly is a long way this time... it looks better but after the nose is back to life the neck or the cough comes around ;O((((( lots of POTP to you

  2. Hari OM
    Thankfully, the bug I had was a straightforward cold virus and a week on am much improved - though the cough is hanging in there. I continue to send healing vibes! YAM xx

  3. be really careful, some of the bloggers and a few friends here the flu turned to walking pneumonia.

  4. Hoping you are keeping warm in the house. This flu bug is not to be
    taken lightly. I've had it, but with a flu shot I still got pneumonia.
    Please take good care as I know you will.
    ♥ Linda Astro and Mitzie

  5. I do hope you both feel better soon. It sucks to be sick.

    Great actions shot.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Feel better soon. Love Shyla's snow romp. It made me smile looking at how beautiful she looks in your winter wonderland.

  7. Ugh! Hope Mom doesn't get it, that would not be good. Hopefully you will feel better soon.

  8. Oh dear. Do take care and stay snug. Shyla looks happy at least.

  9. We are on week three of sniffly snuffles...luckily, ours wasn't one that kept us in bed for more than a couple of days. Hope you all feel better real soon!!

  10. KB...bless your hearts. Are you taking turns letting the pups out for potty breaks?

    Hugs and healing thoughts

    1. I wish that we could "let the pups out..." but we don't have a fenced yard. So, we've been going out with them. They are such good and patient dogs.

      Stay healthy, my friend.

  11. We hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun.

  12. Shyla looks so gorgeous in that snowy background.

  13. There are some very nasty bugs going around here too. Rest up.

  14. Love the snow nose Shyla! We hope the flu departs soon, really we do.

  15. Yes, we have heard that too. Even with the vaccine it seems to be hitting some folks very hard. Here's to a better day tomorrow.

  16. I haven't been completely down and out with the flu, but I had two bad colds pretty much before winter even started! Now I'm taking Vitamin C, elderberry syrup, and ACV gummies in the hopes of boosting my immune system! Fingers crossed. Hope you are better soon. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Hang in there!

    Chris from Boise

  18. What a winter wonder land! Wishes for speedy recovery.


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