Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is my guardian.  Although I rarely show them here, I have been taking a lot of photographs that are not of dogs. I know - shocking!

This is a favorite view along our route - it gives a glimpse of the Divide off in the distance. It is replete with wildlife so it pays to stay alert here.

Shyla always has her eye on me. I don't even need to ask her to do it. Here, she sat like a guard next to my backpack while I took photos.

After passing through that meadow, we usually return to the forest, where the pine bark glows in the early morning sunshine.

I do love the beauty of the forest but none of it would mean as much without Shyla by my side.
Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Beautiful photos! We love the one of you guarding your mom's backpack best, Shyla♥

  2. She is your BFF! for sure! I love the path you take on your bike. wonder if there are treats in the pack?

  3. All your pictures are great but that last picture of Shyla is a beauty!

  4. You always have the best photos and sweet Shyla is such a beauty!

  5. What incredible trails you have to explore. The photos just prove it!

  6. Shyla always seems to have a glow...now we know she is your guardian angel..
    What a blessing...to be loved and give love so deeply
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. It's great to share things with a companion.

  8. There is a lot to guard you from out there, KB, and Shyla knows it!

  9. Shyla is such a good girl! We're glad she keeps an eye on you so you can take those beautiful photos to share with us!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What a treat once again to see the wonderful bond you and Shyla have made together.

  11. Fantastic. I know you can't take too many pictures before the dogs photo bomb.

  12. You live in such an amazing part of the country, and having a companion like Shyla to share it with, makes it that much more special.


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