Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

I won't lie - it hasn't been an easy time for our Black Dog or for those of us who love him. It seems as if he has no vision. He's very tentative about moving around inside the house. We are teaching him some cues like "step up" and "step down" at stairs, and "follow me" while we walk loudly just ahead of him. He is learning those words fast.

We still find him stuck in corners of the house, which breaks my heart. Yet, he doesn't want to be constrained to stay in a single room by a gate (most "lost" incidents are happening as he moves between rooms). Constraining him often brings howls of protest so we give his freedom back.

Our Black Dog visited the veterinary ophthalmologist this week, and the pressure in his eye has tripled recently. It's not quite in the danger zone where the eye would need to be removed. However, the vet is worried that the pressure may be fluctuating so R will be having regular ocular pressure checks.

Why, oh why, does one of the sweetest dogs in the world have to endure so much? I wish that I could make it different for our Black Dog. All that I can do is make his life as fun and happy as possible, within whatever constraints he is facing. And we promise to do that.

We are continuing to play nosework games, and R absolutely goes wild for them. When he's searching for the scent, he doesn't care if he walks into walls (but oddly, it's infrequent). When he's doing a nosework search, I feel convinced that he's going to adapt to total blindness.

Shyla has been especially affectionate with our Black Dog. When I get home in the afternoon, they are often snuggled together. They melt my heart.
Happy Black Dog Sunday. We will have fun this week, even if the type of fun is a bit different than in our Black Dog's past.


  1. R is lucky to have you and the Runner and Shyla to be his guides and very best friends. Hugs to you, R♥

  2. Hari OM
    It's a bummer, this ageing thing. What a lucky pup to have you as his peeps, though! YAM xx

  3. Oh That First Photo - So Cute - The Second Photo - Heart String Puller - I Wish I Lived Near By - Thanx For Being You & Sending Positive Vibes

    Big Hugs

  4. tears in my eyes as I read this and looking at the two sweet faces cuddling.. so glad R has all of you to help him with his vision loss.

  5. We have our paws crossed that R learns how to adapt to his new normal soon. He is so lucky to have you and Shyla to help him along this journey.

  6. I've wondered these same kinds of things with our dogs too, and have even asked the same question about people too. Unfortunately, we'll never know "the whys" only the "what we can do" to help make a difference and make their lives better, which is what you are doing for your most handsome boy, and so much more. Find comfort and peace in that, my friend.

  7. We are so sorry also that a sweet dog like R has to go through this; it seems so unfair! But one thing we know for sure is that you are doing everything you can for him. We feel sure with your help, and Shyla's love, that he will adapt in time. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. Yes indeed KB your R is just so sweet and precious I too wonder why...he is so very lucky to be loved you you and Runner and his sister.
    Give that handsome boy a extra hug today

  9. Just let him be...and make life 'happy and fun'.

  10. It is terribly hard to watch our "puppies" grow old before our very eyes, and take on various infirmities. This is a big adaptation for all of you, and you will all figure it out, as you have figured out so much more.

  11. Did you mention making paths with carpet runners? I thought that sounded like a great idea to help him map the house. Maybe with different textures of carpet to indicate different locations, or tiny amounts of different scents on the runner in different rooms or in transition points between rooms? He's SUCH a smart fellow, I'm sure he'll use every clue you give him and add it to his own very powerful remaining senses, even if at the moment he's still missing his sight.
    Much love to all.

  12. That picture of Shyla and Black Dog together is indeed heart melting. Best of luck in your efforts to help your beloved pup adapt to his loss of sight.

  13. We are saw sorry this happened but we know he is the right family. You will do more for him than anyone could, and he has the perfect companion in Shyla. Bless you all.

  14. It is never fair for a dog to have such problems. But it is wonderful that with your help R still has a meaningful life despite his problems. I'm sure having sweeet Shyla helps make his quality of like better. Positive healing thoughts to you and the pack.

  15. I have a cat that is mostly blind too and I just feel so awful for her when she gets lost like that. She's isn't learning too many tricks but she does know that when I pat my leg that's where she should aim. I know your black dog appreciates the time you spend teaching him these tricks to make life worthwhile.

  16. We hate that for dear R too and we absolutely know you'll guide him through the newness of it all and sweet Shyla will help with love and cuddles.

  17. So sorry of check up with vet. But you do have a lovely red covering

  18. Oh noes. well crap. R, I was hoping for some better news, butts you gots the right pack to be by your side. Stick by your gurl Shyla, and she will gives you the support you needs! Sendin' lots of loves and {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥
    pees: I do 'scent work' too, butts I don't knows if finding a cheeto under the sofa counts.....

  19. Your Labro-Duo melt all of our hearts when they snuggle together like that last image. I hope R adapts to his reduced vision. I met a blind OES over the weekend who was completely blind and he romped and motored around impressively.


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