Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a happy week. Every morning, he wakes up happy and bursting with anticipation of what might happen that day.

My instructor from the rehabilitative play class kept referring to the "magic" that might happen if you play with your dog every day. I think that we're seeing a bit of that - Hachi feels "lighter" to me, as if he's not worrying all the time.
We are continuing to play, usually twice per day. I am looking forward to the day when it's warm enough for us to move outside onto the deck or the porch for play. The idea is that, by playing in environments where he is just a teeny bit worried, he'll learn to worry less about the world around him.

I love when I can write a good report about our boy! There was a time, early on, when I couldn't visualize what our life with Hachi would be like. Now I can, and it's good.


  1. we love that way to build a special bond... and it is the best way we are sure ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    ... I think this would be true of just about all of us. A little bit of play makes for a joyful day!!! YAM xx

  3. So glad Hachi is doing well :)

  4. doing a happy dance that we get a good report today... Hachi is so very beautiful, I love his eyes, his color and his sweet paws... we still can not believe how much Big Boy has changed just because we play with him several times a day, he went from a non player to an active player. we still have yet to get him to play outside though...

  5. Hooray for play time with Hachi. We're so glad to hear he continues to improve. With your love and support he will be the best he can be.

  6. He's doing so well and he's so photogenic. Okay, you're a whiz with that camera too.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Hooray and jubilation for a Handsome and Happy Hachi Chronicle!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Playtime is so much fun and we love hearing the positives, Hachi!

  9. We are so happy you and Hachi had a good week! He is really coming along. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. He looks like such a serious dog out on your runs, I would love to see what he looks like during playtime. So glad things are going well. Play on!

  11. I think you found the magic Hachi button and pressed it properly, bravo!

  12. Play is important, as it walking/running together, or doing sports together. It makes us feel more comfortable and strengthens the bond with our humans.

  13. YAY!! We're so glad the magic is working with Hachi.


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