Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Juvenile and Adult Golden Eagles at an Elk Carcass

I am still over the moon about the footage of Golden Eagles on the elk carcass (Part 1, Part 2). As an aside, I just discovered that I have footage of the feline character who killed the elk but that's for another day.

When I first saw the two Golden Eagles, I hoped that they might be a breeding pair. An expert reader pointed out that one of the pair was a juvenile. This photo is of the juvenile - who has the characteristic white feathers on his tail that indicate that he is younger than "several" years old.

The other thing that the reader pointed out was that the juvenile was forced off the carcass by the adult. In this photo, the adult (closer to cam) has just swooped in landing almost on top of the juvenile. You can see the white feathers of the juvenile's tail to the right of the adult.
Juvenile Golden Eagles usually leave the area where they were born to settle someplace else by November of the first year of life. So, this juvenile may be settled here for the long-term. That's good!

Here is a video of another set of interactions between the two Golden Eagles. Enjoy!


  1. that is such a special moments when they spread their wings....

  2. The wingspans are just incredible!

  3. you always, always have spectacular wildlife on your cams. these are amazing.

  4. We're always amazed at how bold those magpies are. They take advantage of every second the big birds are distracted.

  5. Magpies, I wonder what they are saying to each other.Magnificent, was that a train or traffic in the background?

    1. It was an airplane. There's a new jet route that goes right over our neck of the woods. I hate it.

  6. KB you live in a most amazing location. I cannot imagine seeing in the furs/feathers the animals you see.
    I hope you and Runner are over the nasty flu
    Thank you for sharing
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thanks! We are over the intense part of the flu but we both have lingering coughs :(

  7. Oh my. Just beautiful. I would love to see this in person.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. We are just amazed with all the wonderful wildlife you catch on camera. It was just incredible to see the interaction between the Golden Eagles. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  9. So majestic!! And those magpies are too funny!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Interesting. We can only tell our young magpies from the adults because they still have grey feathers. Love your magpies, they look more like our butcher birds.

  11. Love how everyone takes their shot whenever given the opportunity.

  12. Wow, you really got it all! And more to this story to come! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Those Eagles are really beautiful and such a sight to see!

  14. Oh I do hope you'll have a "local" Golden Eagle! How wonderful!

  15. This is such great footage!
    Mabel & Hilda


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