Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Throwback/Look Ahead to Summer

This is the point in winter when I need a reminder of what the future holds. All that snow high in the mountains will eventually melt, making the flowers bloom endlessly! I had fun going through my images from last summer, choosing some "rejects" to share. I hope that it helps you smile today too!


  1. aaah such beautiful signs of hope.... we are glad when winter is over...

  2. Flowers always put a smile on our face. Thank you☺

  3. number 2 and 3 makes me want to wander that path through beautiful flowers. hope the snow melts soon.. Big is now wondering why we did not walk at 7:15, we are freezing at 39 degress with wind feels like 31, we are making him wait until it warms up a little. thinking of you out in snow makes me think we are weather whimps

  4. I know what you mean - I almost ordered flower seeds last night!

  5. So beautiful. I'm so ready for flowers and warm. Yes indeed.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Those pictures definitely made us smile. We're enjoying the snow now but will welcome spring and summer too.

  7. While I love winter and snow, flowers and color are ALWAYS welcome! Things in town are brown, brown, brown and truly dull and depressing.

  8. Reject, huh? Wish we had 'rejects' like that....LOL!

  9. What a welcome set of colourful images in the depths of winter!

  10. Ooooooh I'm jumping on your Summer Wagon tour
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Love the second one with the Columbines. They are such a unique flower. Can always use a little pick me up mid winter!

  12. We are sooooo looking ahead! So much wonderful color!

  13. All that color is amazing! We're in the midst of a bit of a thaw with lots of dirty snow, brown trees, and gray sky. A reminder of the beauty that summer will bring is wonderful.

  14. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. We hope that summer will be here soon to see all of the beautiful flowers starting to bloom. We hope you are having a gorgeous day and enjoying the winter while you can.
    World of Animals

  15. Thanks, I needed that! I try to make the best of winter, but being stuck indoors due to frigid temperatures recently has me longing for spring and summer!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Oh dear! Pretty flowers but we are hoping for a good two more months of cold and snow around here.

  17. I started smiling when there was enough more light to tell it. Your lovely wildflowers add to the joy.

  18. Beautiful And All But BLK Dog Needs A Treat - HHHHEEEE HHHhhhhEEEEeeeee

    Stay Strong,

  19. Wonderfull. Promise that it shall be summer again. Love em

  20. We are ready for the colors of spring!
    Mabel & hilda


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