Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Wild Ride

In the end, yesterday was a good day but it seemed like it took a long time to reach that conclusion.

An early surgery time required a dawn departure to drive to the vet. There is a huge construction project between us and town with long delays daily. Yesterday, during one of those long delays, the car conked out in the construction zone.

There is no cell service in the construction zone so the process of getting help was very slow and frustrating. A construction worker eventually radioed for a tow truck. That got the Runner and R (plus the disabled car) into town but not yet to the vet, and it was already hours after R's surgery time. Then an Uber finished the trip. That was not the way that anyone wanted the day to start.

Along the way, the Runner handed a note to another driver sitting in the construction asking that they call the vet hospital to explain that R would be late. That was brilliant, and it worked.

Fortunately, the surgeons were able to wait for R and started his surgery soon after his arrival. For me, that was when the wait seemed to start dragging on forever. They ran into some unexpected complications with a tumor adhering to the body wall which added a lot of time to the surgery. We had tried to prepare ourselves for the possibility that R would not make it out of surgery. With that looming in the back of my mind, the wait was agonizing.

In the end, sweet R did make it. They found a large mass on his spleen (that was the one adhering to the body wall) - and they removed the whole spleen. It will be analyzed by pathologists. They didn't find other obvious tumors in his abdomen, which was the best news of the day.

That means that there is a chance that we will get more months with our Black Dog. That's why we chose the surgery so I am smiling. So are his siblings.

R will stay in the hospital, coming home today or tomorrow. I can't wait to see him. I took care of Shyla and Hachi during the crazy day. Both of them need meds throughout the day (Shyla for epilepsy and Hachi for anxiety) so they can't be left home alone all day.

Now, onto the healing phase!


  1. I felt stressed just reading about all the problems Runner had getting into town, even before thinking about the outcome of the surgery. So pleased for you all that the outcome was not the worst. How relieved you'll be to have R home again.
    All the best, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    Phew... continuing POTP until the all clear, as usual! YAM xx

  3. Yes, you certainly did have a wild ride and a stressful day and we're so relieved that R made it though. Tons of AireZen and healing vibes are heading his way and hugs to you and R and Shyla and Hachi.

  4. Oh my word KB what a long and grueling day for you and Runner. That traffic stand still with Runner and R trying diligently to get to town must have put a few gray hairs in your heads. Thank goodness the surgery is over and LET THE HEALING begin. R is such a trooper. Hugs and continued prayers to you and your entire family. Give R a great big hug when he gets home.

  5. Fantastic BLK DOG!! Wish You Didn't Have All The Unexpected Moments But Of Course, Right? Thanx For Keeping Us In The Loop And Fingers Crossed Regarding Todays News As Well.

    Big Hugs

  6. So glad the surgery went well and so sorry for the anxiety-filled drive to get there. Of course if only one thing could go well, the surgery was definitely the thing!

  7. Oh KB, I am so relieved to hear that R came through the procedure and will soon be back with his family! And after all the stress and delay of the journey, I am glad the hospital was able to go ahead with the surgery! I hope you can relax and enjoy a peaceful Sunday :)

  8. Just like Bertie said, I was stressing as I read this post. I am so happy R came through ok, and I know you are so ready to see him. I would not have thought of the note to a stranger, so glad they did what they were asked. silly car, they always pick the worst time to conk on us... what a day you had. when you greet R give him and extra kiss from me

  9. What a way to start the stressful day, I can only imagine how the traffic and vehicle mess added to your stress. I'm so glad that R made it through the surgery okay and we'll all be prayer for a quick healing process.

  10. What a stressful day!! I can just imagine the relief when the wait was finally over. I'm glad you had the other two to take care of as a distraction. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Yes indeed, let the healing begin. What a nightmare of a day you had, but in the end it turned out to be a good day. Still holding dear R in my heart, thankful for the success so far.

  12. We have our paws crossed for R and hope he heals quickly. Our mom says that our Angel Sister Yenna had that same surgery. Angel Yenna had separation anxiety and only stayed at the vet for a while before being released to home. Our mom had to wake up every few hours through the night to administer medicine and pain killers so you are lucky R can stay in the hospital.

  13. YES!!! you ALL deserve a medal of the highest degree!
    I am only going to think GOOD strong positive and HEALING thoughts!!!
    bless you and the runner for your continued COURAGE in the face of all odds! XOXO

  14. Good news for R and for you too. Wishing him a speedy recovery and many more months with you.

  15. Healing will happen in time, and after that stressful travel and huge surgery , the next steps will seem so much easier. Winter outside, so good reason for R to rest inside, and snuggle up in the warmth, and love.XXXXXX

  16. You poor things. Surgery is bad enough without all the other problems. Great that you had some helpful workmen to help. Also, fabulous news that the surgery is over, a success and we hope R will be out there enjoying his favourite nature spots soon.

  17. So glad R came out of surgery OK and will be home soon and on the mend. Also glad to hear there was no more tumors. Great news! Take care of your boy, as I'm sure you will and give Shyla and Hachi a hug from the 24 Paws.

  18. Holy moly, what a day! As EAS said, at least the surgery went well! What a survivor your Black Dog is. This gift of more time with him is a treasure.

    Great big hugs to all of you, and a sigh of relief -
    Chris from Boise

  19. What a stressful time you have all been having, but I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. Sending you hugz, Mxx

  20. I'm thinking of you all today, and hope that it has been a day of uneventful events for all of you!

  21. We are sitting on the edge of the chair reading
    your post. It sure was a crazy day to start out.
    So glad R was able to have the surgery,
    Hope he can come home tomorrow.
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  22. I am sorry you had such a terrible day. I would have exploded. I am so glad that R made it through the surgery and is dong well. We will continue to pray for him.

  23. It was good to get everything bad out of the way before you even got to the vet! It looks like Shyla and R are holding paws.

  24. What a way to deal with a scary situation anyway. Glad R made it through surgery. Hoping and praying there's lots of extra time with your sweet boy.

  25. SO HAPPY to hear R came out of surgery ok. I was home on Friday praying for a good outcome. Indy and I send our love, thoughts prayers, and lots of cuddles for you all.


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