Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 14, 2020

Sibling Love

I don't have many words today. I am falling into spells of staring mindlessly at my computer screen as my heart is in a surgery suite with R.

But, I ran across this photo from last summer. It's two coyote pups, siblings, who obviously adored each other.

It reminded me of our sibling Labraduo, and how much they adore each other.

Shyla is beseeching all who will listen to take good care of her brother in surgery today.


  1. is is the day of love so everything must go well... hugs and love to you all

  2. We too are sending all the love we can today to dear R.

  3. We are sending tons of AireZen and love to R♥

  4. LOVE from the EAST for R!
    Surgery mode can be so exhausting, please be strong and healing vibes are wending their way to you all.

  5. Lots of love and prayers and good thoughts from here too.

  6. My heart and prayers are with you and the fabulous R today.

  7. Sending Love

    Big Hugs

    Thank You For Keeping Me In The Loop

  8. We've been thinking of you all today, holding R close in our thoughts. POTP for R and hugs to you. I'm so pleased that surgery was an option for your dear R.
    Kiersten x

  9. Hari OM
    You know my capital 'ell' is spreading over to R... and you and Shyla and Hachi and the Runner... YAM xx

  10. We are sending love and comfort to all of you on this Valentine's day. Our paws are crossed tight for R and the vets taking care of him.

  11. And Shyla KB, Runner and Haichi I join with Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You are very much in my thoughts today. I do hope the surgery goes well and buys more time for the magnificent black dog.

  13. praying for R and for you and R's siblings ..

  14. All my paws are crossed TIGHT! Momma and I are thinking of you all today.

  15. Sending all the good thoughts for you and the pups.

  16. We've sure been thinking of R and all of you today, hugs from all of us.

  17. 7 a.m. Saturday here, 11 a.m. your time, Love, XXXXXXX

  18. depuis la france tout notre amour pour black dog good luck

  19. We are thinking of all of you. (((HUGS)))

  20. Sending love and big hugs along with lots of POTP!

  21. Oh, you KNOWS I gots my paws crossed REAL TIGHT for R and all of you!!! Sendin' tons of POTP, healin' vibes, and lots and lots of AireZens!! {{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  22. Oodles of poodles of pawsitve thoughts while you wait the outcome with R. We have our paws crossed for you.

  23. Sending lots of prayers and love to all of you!
    KZK, Cam, and Mags

  24. Holding you all in my thoughts today.

  25. Sending more positive thoughts for the best possible outcome your way. Big hugs to all and extra treats to R!

  26. We all pray the surgery went well. R is so sweet.

  27. We were thinking of you yesterday, and were so relieved to see that the surgery was a success. I couldn't stop thinking about our angel Moses and a similar situation that did not end so well. I'm so glad it was better for you. We hope R's recovery goes well. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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