Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thankful Thursday - For You

Today, I am thankful for all of you and for your kind comments. We will find our way through this, and you have no idea how much your thoughtful input means.

By way of thanks, here are a few images from a snowy snowy week.

Whenever it is storming, I notice the beautiful orange bark of our Ponderosa Pines as I ride through the forest. These pines are like beacons in the forest on otherwise monochrome days.

Every snowy day is followed by incredible beauty. This morning was one of the prettiest of the year.

A bluebird sky tops off the beauty when we are lucky.

On "powder days", Shyla adores playing in the snow. She makes me smile no matter what.
This is going to be a very hard phase for Shyla. More than anyone, she'll need extra love and attention because R is her absolute best friend. Perhaps she has become even stronger than we think. I hope so.

I cannot say "thanks" too many times because you all make such a difference with your support.

I am linking to Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. maybe the photo shows the light of hope what appears behind the tree... I hope so.... and we all have you in our thoughts...

  2. The first photo looks like a painting. It is just stunning! Love you in your beautiful snow, Shyla. Hugs to you, sweet girl♥

  3. Hari OM
    ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) YAM xx

  4. We re so thankful for YOU and all the wonderful photos, training, and love that you show us every day. Indy and I have been reading this blog for 8 years now (Indy just turned 11!) - and every day is a gift. You spread love with your words and your dogs spread their love to us all. Shyla is the sweetest. Sending our love and prayers every day.

  5. We'll all sure be thinking of you all and we're most thankful for the beauty you share every single day. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  6. I so enjoy coming here and viewing your breathtakingly beautiful photography and your pups. Prayers in progress.

    Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Lovely picturees. I must admit that in my concern for R I had totally forgotten what his illness might mean to sweet Shyla. I do hope she manages the episode well. I'll be thinking of all of you during this difficult time and hoping for the best outcome possible.

  8. We are keeping our paws crossed for you and your family during this difficult time. You sure have lots of beauty around you. We love the colorful bark on those trees.

  9. Your photos are so incredibly beautiful. Shyla brought a much-needed smile to my face. God bless all of you and guide you.

  10. The photos are gorgeous. When the sun is shining I do like seeing the snow. It's when it's overcast and the snow is gray and dirty I get a little depressed.

    I'm glad you have Shyla and Hachi, and hopefully they both transition well when it is time. I do that time is some ways away yet. Take care!

  11. The contrast of the bark on the trees with the snow in the first picture blows me away.

    My heart goes out to you all. We all love that beautiful black boy.

  12. Gorgeous scenery. That's when snow is best--before it melts and there's slush. Had to chuckle at Shyla covered in snow. So cute.

  13. stay strong! I believe in miracles. I truly do. maybe it can be contained in the spleen.
    we don't know. even when we know.
    I am going to picture him all clean inside! and living his best life in spite of it.
    take care of YOU too. xo

  14. Love circles the world and lands where it is needed most at any one time, and right now in Co it is there in heaps, amid the piled up snow XXXXX

  15. Thank you for the photo of the Ponderosa Pines..I'm sure I must have seen them when we were in CO but I didn't know. You, Runner, R the most handsome black dog, Shyla and Hachi will all be in my prayers and thoughts and especially in my HEART!
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. Beautiful pictures - they make me smile (especially since I do not have to be in the snow!!). I agree with easyweimaraner that the photo represents a ray of hope. We are all praying for you.

  17. KB - I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow. Sending much love. Q

  18. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all tomorrow. Thank you for the beautiful photos. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. I love when there is a fresh snow, especially when a dog is charging through it. We will be praying for you tomorrow.

  20. Love, love, more love, and much mojo for you all.

  21. All that snow is so beautiful! Moms Kuvasz Katie and our sister Emma were besties for the ten years before Katie passed away. They lived in Germany, moved to the US, went through a lot with life and Mom. Losing Katie changed Emma. She was never close to any other dog. Hopefully Shyla will deal better with R and the issues he is having.

  22. Such beautiful images. Shyla makes for a great snow cat! Sending oodles of poodles of thoughts your way.


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