Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Black Dog News

Our Black Dog had an ultrasound on Monday to try to figure out why he has too few red blood cells. The news is not good.

He has a tumor on his spleen that is bleeding slowly. It's almost certainly cancer - and a dastardly bad kind called hemangiosarcoma. Our hearts are shattered by that news. It has been a tough 24 hours. But, our boy is still with us so we'll enjoy every single day with him.

We needed to make a decision fast about whether to treat it because the tumor is in danger of rupturing. After lots of thought, we finally decided to do so. He'll have his spleen removed on Friday. Depending on what the pathology report on his spleen says, we'll choose what comes next.

I spent some solo time in the snow with R the other day. He still loves life and loves snow. And his soulful looks melt my heart. 
We'll make all decisions with an abundance of love for R. Please don't worry - his happiness is what will guide us.


  1. We're sending big hugs to you, R and to your peeps as well♥

  2. Oh KB - no, just no......that breaks my heart wide open. SO many good thoughts, prayers, hugs, and love to you all.

  3. oh no..... that are such sad news... potp and crossed paws and all our positive thoughts to you....

  4. Oh, noooooo! This is just the saddest news; that sweetest of boys surely doesn't deserve another blow like this. I'm glad you are going to do the surgery, and will be hoping my very hardest for a good outcome and more quality, pain-free time for R...

  5. This is so sad. You must treasure every moment with your sweet, brave boy.
    Sending love and hugs from Scotland.

  6. Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry to hear this news. Poor R has been through a lot lately. We will say mighty prayers for him and his surgeon. Give him a big hug and tell him we're all rooting for a successful surgery.


  7. We have our paws crossed tight for R and all your family during this difficult time.

  8. Sending big hugs to all of you, but especially to this handsome boyo.

  9. this news makes my heart ache, for him and for you... prayers for the surgry and for all of you as you go through this together

  10. Oh crap, that makes my heart hurt and we're all sending purrs, prayers, hugs and love to your and to R.

  11. Oh R....you are SO loved, by your pawrents and by so many of us who've never met you in the furs. I know that whatever happens, your pawrents will make the right decision for you and the rest of your life will be spent surrounded by love.

  12. Reading this broke my heart, as that is how I lost my beloved Tommy. I have PM'ed you.

  13. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. You're giving him a chance of more time with the surgery to remove the spleen. Enjoy that time - I know you will.

  14. My heart aches for you, but know you will make the right decisions for him. Our much loved weimie, Reno, had this same darn thing, but we did not catch it in time. Love and paws to you and the wonderful Mr. R.

  15. NO,, No!!!! Our ma is crying ugly tears reading this post.
    Sending POTP he will be better after the surgery.
    Cancer sucks.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  16. R is a treasure to be cherished, I just wish the Universe would get onboard!
    This guy has been through so much and handled it with grace and love. Willing you the strength and love to overcome this exceptionally difficult situation. Hugs, prayers, and positive thoughts coming your way in spades!

  17. Sending oodles of poodles of POTP for Friday's surgery. Digital hugs and tail wags for a pawsitive' outcome.

  18. Sending love, good thoughts and many prayers, my friend. Big healing hugs. ♥

  19. that's exactly what my Zeke had. my heart in my throat.
    and I'm glad you will have his spleen removed. it should give him time.
    bless you darling girl. and bless him. sending your whole little family LOVE always!

  20. OH KB...you know you and your family and pups will have all our love and prayers for Friday.
    This I know:
    "We'll make all decisions with an abundance of love for R. Please don't worry - his happiness is what will guide us."
    Hugs Cecilia

  21. Hari OM
    Ohhhh. I have been travelling and arrive late to this post - "R", I share the outpouring of Love and Compassion coming to you from all these wonderful blogvillagers. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  22. Prayers and hugs for R. He captured my heart. Will be keeping you all in my prayers on Friday.

  23. Time together with nature giving that much needed comfort, and love , and more from all over the world, as we also take in the news. R, much love as you wait for surgery, and to you all, XXXXXX

  24. A tough decision indeed. We went through that with Brut and it was not easy. They found his too late for surgery. Prayers and love for all of you.

  25. Our Ellie died of hemangiosarcoma. It was in the pericardium, the sac surrounding the heart. She had no symptoms until she simply passed out after a happy walk. She died on the operating table. My heart goes out to the marvelous black dog with heaing and comfort sent to R and to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the best possibe outcome.

  26. We know just how it feels to get news like that. :( Our hearts are with you and R. We hope the surgery goes well. R is a fighter so we know that makes his chances good. ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  27. I'm so sorry, we love that pup. But I'm glad he's in such loving hands.

  28. Such difficult decisions you are having to make at the moment, but I can see you are making them out of love for your pet and not for selfish reasons as some do. Stay strong and enjoy each day with him. Hugz Mxx

  29. Your black dog has no idea he has this, so he is not sad. As long as he is loving life...

  30. We are all with you in spirit and sending lots of love and the best of vibes and all needed strength to get through whatever comes. ♥♥

  31. We are very sorry. I know you will do what is best for R. He is a warrior and a champion. We will be sending our prayers to you.

  32. OH NOES! I am so very sorry. I will keep my paws crossed real tight that the surgicals and the treatment works. I am sendin' all the POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens your way! You have the bestest peeps on the planet my furiend, and your pack will be by your side helping you all the way. {{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥

  33. Oh, KB - this just sucks. We know that you will make every day from now on his Best Day Ever (as you have been doing for these many years). "We'll make all decisions with an abundance of love for R. Please don't worry - his happiness is what will guide us." You and the Runner are wise and kind people. And today - this moment - is a good day, a good moment.

    Chris from Boise

  34. Oh no. Our hearts are breaking for you. We lots several friends suddenly in the past two years to that same thing. It just came out of the blue. We hope poor R will handle the surgery well and the test will come back with no cancer. He is such a sweet boy.

  35. I Purposely Waited A Day To Respond - For Obvious Reasons - You Could Only Imagine My Heart Sinking When I Saw The Photo And Feared The Worst - I Fully Support Your Decision - Wish I Lived Right Around The Corner - I Would Help In Anyway Possible During This Rehab Process - OH That Cone Of Shame, Just Thought About That - And The Drain Tube As Well, Keeping That Area Clean - Its A Chore But We All Do Whatever It Takes - Please Let Me Know What Time On Friday So I Can Hold Space

    Big Hugs Humans!!
    Love & Light

  36. We will be praying for you and R!
    KZK, Mags, & Cam

  37. Best wishes and much mojo to the dear Black Dog. I lost my first Aussie to hemangiosarcoma.


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