Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Nature Friday - A Bluebird Day

It felt as if we had days and days of little sunlight, very cold air, and snow falling from the sky. Both Shyla and I were drooping, getting tired from the cloudy skies during our morning rides every single day.

I wanted to see the sun, and today it happened. This was the path into the forest.

When we arrived up a little higher, the blue sky stopped me in my tracks.

Shyla frolicked in the snow with the high mountains and a ski area visible behind her.

And she surveyed her kingdom as we prepared to ride home.
It was one of those precious winter days when the beauty of the mountains in winter was on full display. It was glorious.

P.S. R had a peppy day, happy to go for his little walks in the sunny winter world. These are wonderful days with him.


  1. with some sun even winter has beautiful sides... and with shyla efurry winter day is a super good day!

  2. Glad you got some sunshine! We've had many days of sleet, snow, and freezing rain this month, and it certainly can get disheartening.

  3. so glad you have sunshine, it really makes the snowy trees even more beautiful... glad R had a good day

  4. Hari OM
    Pristine nature - hard to beat! YAM xx

  5. Lovely photos today. Living in Scotland, we fully appreciate how wonderful it is to see clear blue sky after days of cloud and gloom!

  6. What a beautiful blue sky day. We are having a rare one of those today too.

  7. Colorado skies are gorgeous...add the snow and the beautiful trees and Shyla...woohoo
    Yay R
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Just beautiful! The sun makes all the difference.

  9. A little bit of blue sky and sunshine can do wonders. So glad to hear R is mending well and able to be outdoors some.

  10. So pretty and so much fun with sweet Shyla! Hooray for R too.

  11. I was just writing in my week's blog post that the longer daylight hours and sunshine are encouraging. Like you, and Shyla, when the sun shines and the sky is blue I feel invigorated. Love the photos - you truly live in a spectacular place.

    Glad to hear that R continues to improve.

  12. It looks so beautiful there! We've been having sunshine too, but it's come with frigid temperatures. We can't catch a break here! It's supposed to warm up starting tomorrow, but it will probably be cloudy again. LOL
    At least the sun warms up our house nicely!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Beautiful shots. Wow.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  14. Those bluebird blue skies are really something in winter. Have a wonderful weekend with your two special pups and enjoy the calm before the [next] round of ❄️ ❄️ ❄️

  15. Love the bluebird skies! And Shyla! What great adventures she has with you!

  16. I love a good winter's day. It's in my genes. Your dogs have the best lives and I'm so happy R is doing well.

  17. So beautiful. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it :)

  18. Such a beautiful day. We have had two sunny days too - it certainly does make one's spirits feel brighter.

  19. I know it is a hard life on the mountain but it looks like you live a charmed life.


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