Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Shyla Saturday

In the wake of R's cancer, I am holding all who I love a little closer these days.

My Shyla is my partner in nature adventures. We both enjoy exploring our forests and our mountains so much. We spend lots of time together, just us two girls, traipsing through the forest. We follow tracks in the snow, both of us curious about what the wildlife have been doing. And Shyla uses her nose to show me things that I wouldn't otherwise perceive. We are such a team.

I am sure that some of you remember that Angel K died quite young. She was eight years old when osteosarcoma took her. And, that is the age that Shyla is. That realization pierced my heart when Shyla turned eight. I am greedy and want a long time with this girl.

Shyla still has some issues with fear and anxiety which we continue to work on - but she has gradually become the best friend who I can imagine.
Hold your pups tight. Hug them, love them  - and I'll do the same with sweet Shyla.


  1. Hari OM
    Darling Shyla - ageing beautifully!!! YAM xx

  2. We pray that you and your mom have many many more years together, beautiful Shyla♥ Your eyes are so incredible.

  3. when cancer visits it changes us, we have been through it with dogs, and with Bob and this melanoma has changed the way I look at him and Big... these photos of Shyla are perfect as is she..

  4. Those are such beautiful portraits of your beautiful girl.

  5. Gorgeous photos of Shyla in her element looking lovingly at her BFFFFFFF
    Hugs and Prayers for your household

  6. That girl is such a beauty, that last photo needs to be on an honor wall, she's stunning!

  7. 8 years, where has that time flown to? She is a darling, and for K, her much loved memories will always be there in your heart and her special places in the great outdoors you so love.

  8. Great advice. Can't believe Shyla's eight--even with the white hairs. Sometimes we forget just to love and enjoy our animals all the time.

  9. Brut was 8 when he died and now that the puppies are 12, I'm hoping they all live past their mother, Silver who died at 13.

    Cancer definitely changes us. Hug Shyla for us.

  10. I totally understand where you're coming from. Sending love.

  11. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! This is very true! Fortunately my people hug me (and pet me, and cuddle me - I make sure of it!) every day!

    Also, friend Shyla, I can't help but notice that you have a white muzzle and white eyebrows and white paws... This is just like me! Mine get whiter and whiter every year. I am not as beautiful and distinguished white as you are (yet), but I hope to be soon! You are so lovely!!

  12. Lovely girl, I too wish her a long and healthy life.

  13. You and Shyla have such a special relationship!! Our first two dogs both died young (5 an 6), so I was always scared to get to those ages (Luke just made it to 6), and one of our goldens was only 8. But the three after that lived to their senior years - not as long as I would have liked, but still much longer than the firsts. Hopefully that curse is broken for both of us!♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Indeed. You never know what uncertainties the future holds.

  15. Shyla you are am amazing girl, we all love you. Thank you for bringing so much joy to your human's lives. Angel K was a very special dog - and so are you.

    Diane and Indy


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