Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is doing really well. He's happy and he's enjoying his short walks more than he did before his surgery. He's even been mischievous during them.

I know that he loves rolling in the snow. I decided that I wasn't going to let him do it for a couple of weeks after his surgery, primarily because he throws himself onto the ground quite hard. I didn't want any internal damage from the impact. Until yesterday, I'd see him adopt the body language that he uses just before rolling, and I'd hurry him along.

My rolling prevention efforts worked for a week. Then, the sneaky Black Dog tossed himself onto the ground without doing any of his usual pre-rolling behaviors. It was too fast for me to stop him. By the time he was on the ground, I couldn't think of any reason not to let him roll. So he did - and he was overjoyed about it.

I think that he loves how the crusty snow scratches his back.
No harm was done, and our Black Dog seemed very happy about his illicit roll!

I love this guy, mischief and all.
Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. You look so happy rolling in your snow, R! You make us smile☺

  2. hubby and I had a laugh out loud moment together watching this rollabout.. I kissed that beautiful sweet face

  3. We're glad to hear R is doing so well. He sure look happy to be rolling in the snow.

  4. My german shepherd does this too. I think it feels nice and cool on her body. It makes me cold tho when she does it at 5 am in the dark.

  5. What a special dog he is, so much fun to see him enjoying himself in the snow. Thanks for sharing the story of you and the pump in the woods.

  6. oh how wonderful he is! xoxoxo

  7. What a smart dog...he realized his actions were alerting you and he changed his behaviour. Nice to see him doing so well.

  8. That is one happy dog!! Luke loves his rolls in the snow too. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. His attitude attracts love in the largest shovelfuls it can hold, and what a roll out there, he would have so enjoyed the chance to sneak it in.

  10. So glad to see him have a bit of fun and to see he is doing so well.

  11. That is the face of one happy lab on his back. It must be heartwarming to see him recovering well.

  12. Precious R is just such fun to watch as he scratches his back...I guess he must realize what he can do.
    Love that last photo.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Such a sweet guy and we loved seeing the R roll and snow fun!

  14. I can see, even upside down, the joy in his face. Glad he snuck one in on you with no damage done.

  15. Oh, this made me smile!!! Go, R!!! The more mischief, the better. :)

  16. Wonderful to see his clever way of manipulating things. What a thrill to see the great black dog having fun.

  17. Sometimes you really just have to let them do what they want, especially when it makes them so darn happy!! And I think the roll in the snow made you BOTH happy!

  18. OMD, you go dude!!! You knows we rehabbing doggies have to gets into SOME mischief rights??! BOL!! I wish I had some snow to roll in! I had some mischief too the furst day I got home... I wasn't suppose to jump or anythings, and I just HAD to jump into our raised flowerbed to do my business...did it before Ma knew what happened! BOL!!! Luckily, no harm, no foul eithers ☺
    Have joy my furiend, have joy ♥
    Ruby ♥

  19. R you never fail to make us laugh.
    We are happy you got a good back scratch but be careful dude.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  20. R you are a smart and sweet boy!!!! That roll looked like it was really fun. I love your smile. Hope you continue to feel better sweet boy!

    Diane and Indy Bones


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