Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

I had some time on the trails with Hachi alone this week. We did a snowbike ride together on a bluebird day. He's always been nervous during these solo rides but there were a number of competing factors that could have been the cause of his anxiety.
I was trying to take his photo but he kept being startled by sounds behind him.
Over the past months, we've gradually exposed him to most of the factors that might be worrying him during solo bike rides. He's now fine when he's out for a walk with me alone - he used to worry when we didn't have another dog with us. He's also now happy on all of the trails - none of them make him nervous under normal circumstances.

That leaves one thing for Hachi to be afraid of during our solo bike rides, and it's my bike. So, I need to get to work on teaching him not to be afraid of my bike. I have to admit that the thought of more work makes me sigh. There's so much to do with this boy. However, I am getting better and better at counter-conditioning. Moreover, Hachi now learns faster now than earlier in his life, probably because his anti-anxiety meds are helping him. So, conditioning him to like my bike should be doable. Being able to take him for little rides that he enjoys will be a great reward for the work.

During our short ride, we went to Hug Hill. Hachi seems to love the long view that he has from this spot. He could survey the entire world!
Hachi's color looks great with the mountains and sky  as his backdrop!

In addition to his usual training, Hachi still gets to play a lot most days. He plays with me at least once per day - and we both love it. And, he plays with his sister during our daily afternoon hike. They are still best friends.
Shyla is the chaser but they switch roles all the time.

I think that Hachi would say that his life is good. We keep working to rehab him, and progress is slow but it's happening. Most of the rehab work is fun for him. Moreover, everyone in our little pack is happy, and that's all that I ask.

PS We await R's pathology report sometime this week. He had a good weekend.


  1. we hope the report brings good news to you.... and even a small progress is like a gift and we feel soooo happy even for the small things

  2. You couldn't have a more perfect family for you, Hachi. Paws and fingers are crossed for a good report for you, R.

  3. He's come so far and you're worked so hard. Many don't even take the time. Good for you for doing what needs doing.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to all the pups. ♥

  4. they both look so happy, and all three of your pack are living a good life and are truly blessed they have you for a parent... prayers for R..

  5. Hachi is making progress slowly but surely. He sure looks happy to be out and be chased by Shyla.

  6. That photo on top of the hill is beyond gorgeous. Hachi is very fortunate to have found a home with you. It also sounds like you and Hachi are learning from each other.

  7. I love these photos! Hachi does look so happy playing with Shyla!
    Continuing to pray for R!

  8. I do love the second photo too, with the background he's "outstanding"!

  9. Your loving care is truly a testament to his progress. Yes, it may be hard, but the rewards are so very great.

  10. Hachi you are such a good poser there on Hug Hill.
    Hugs to you and the peeps and your siblings

  11. Hachi sure is handsome. Fingers crossed for R

  12. Hachi, way to go dude, keep doing good! We're glad R is having a good week too.

  13. Things are really looking up for Hachi. It's been 8 1/2 years of trying to get Lightning over his fear of bikes, and sad to say, no progress whatsoever. We will be watching what you do with Hachi closley.

  14. On the other hand - or paw - Hachi could be running in front of you, causing you to wreck. Will be very interested in finding out how you condition him to the bike.

  15. So glad Hachi has been coming along well, and hopefully the bike thing goes easy. What a nice pose with the mountains! Luke is sometimes nervous when we're on our walks, but I can never figure out why. It doesn't happen often but on occasion he gets a bit jumpy.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Hachi seems to be moving forward! I am so enjoying his progress and watching him bloom!

  17. Hachi, you look very happy my furiend! Ma says she understands the 'sigh' in training, cause she is currently training me to use my new ramp for getting in and out of my truck. I go down fine, butts kinda freak going up. (and that is with it almost flat. what can I say..old dogs ☺) Anyhu, Ma really is pleased, cause my other ramp freaked me out, and I wanted nothing to do with it BOL! Wells, I am super duper happy you guys gets snow zoomies and stuffs! it's gonna be 80 by Thursday. I guess winter isn't happenin' here this year ~ I guess we'll just have to enjoy it til our grass turns brown ☺
    Have a happy Monday my furiends! And do some snow zoomies for me, k?
    Paws crossed for good news abouts the results!
    Ruby ♥

  18. Bikes can be scary even for dogs who are not fearful. I'm sure he will figure out it is not dangerous quickly.


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