Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Crazy, crazy moose!

Moose are not calm and docile creatures. Adding them to our ecosystem has been a huge change. They certainly have raised the ante for anyone exploring the forest.

Their craziness is apparent all year long but it's most obvious during mating season. Last fall, my cam captured a group of four moose who had breeding on their minds. The group consisted of a cow moose and her older calf, plus two bull moose. Here's the calf in the foreground and mom in the background.

The smaller bull took an interest in the calf.

Then, he decided to try to breed her. Mom didn't seem to have noticed yet.

But mom noticed soon, and moved fast in the direction of her calf.

For some reason, the bigger bull followed the action. I don't know what happened after he exited the view of the camera.

About two months later, a cam captured a trio of bulls who were lazily sparring. The clanks of their antlers hitting were loud! It was fun to see the relaxed demeaners of the bulls after mating season had ended.

I put together a short video of these two scenes that I hope that you enjoy.


  1. omg even in the photos I can imagine how BIG they really are...

  2. I hope the mom was able to discourage the breeding of her calf. Love the clacking of the antlers!

  3. We always love the glimpses of hidden nature you bring to us through your trail cams and this one didn't disappoint either.

  4. What a great capture. It's that time of year.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. they sound like me and bob when we get out of bed trying to get the joints moving..amazing clicking of the antlers. the sure are HUGE

  6. They are seriously amazing creatures, huge but amazing!

  7. They may be crazy, but I still love watching them.

  8. WTG Mommy Moose!!!!!!
    I always enjoy your videos
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Moose are incredible. They definitely look like they belong to an earlier geological era. And I love their sound effects. Thanks for yet another great video.
    Cheers, Gail.
    PS Way back about thirty years ago, I camped with some friends in the Glacier National Park backcountry, beside a lake, and I still remember going to sleep to the sound of a small herd of moose noisily slurping the weed in the water. Happy memories!

  10. Your cameras are fabulous! I had some interesting moose encounters, well all kinds of animal encounters, when I spent a fall and winter in Jackson Hole. Looking back, that may have been the most interesting time of the year to spend in a place with so many wild critters with only one thing on their minds.

  11. They are amazing animals. I'm hopeful mom was able to chase the bull moose away from the calf.

  12. We are glad we don't come face to face with those moose. But we love your videos of them. Hearing their sounds is so much fun.

  13. I don't think I would fancy meeting one when I was out enjoying a walk!

  14. Those bulls looked more like they were kissing with their antlers than sparring, LOL. Maybe it was a goodbye, see ya later move.

  15. That's kind of some half-hearted sparring there - LOL! I never knew they made noises like those heard in the first part of the video - too funny!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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