Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

First it was this... snow falling softly. Pretty and naturally black and white.
Then the 50mph winds arrived, whipping that new snow through the air.

All of that weather made me go back to look through images from earlier in the winter so that I could see some COLOR! This was the most colorful one that I could find from Shyla's and my sunrise outings.


  1. we hope the evil wind will lose it's power....stay warm and comfy under a blanket ;O)

  2. Beautiful photos! What a stunning sunrise as your backdrop, Shyla!

  3. That sunrise picture sure warms us up. We're waiting for more snow to arrive later today.

  4. Oh my such beautiful shots. You are one with your camera.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. I don't know why this thought came to my mind when I saw the last picture:For any book about a dog, that would be the perfect cover. And would add so much to the book sales.

    I guess another way of putting it would be: What a gorgeous picture!

  6. my first windy snow blowing. I have seen photos of sand storms, this was a real snowstorm. beautiful pics and of course Shyla is gorgeous

  7. All so beautiful. No snow here, but that's OK with me:)

  8. Beautiful Shyla! Mom says she gets hungry for color too. Luckily, our snow is melted right now.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Seeing wind blowing snow around like that would send me back to bed for the day! With a good book, of course :)

  10. Swirling snow, too much to be out in, those colours are glorious.

  11. Looks cold. Hope you had the fire going...

  12. Gorgeous!!! absolutely and the flashback with color WOW
    Hugs C

  13. The snow is so beautiful - and Shyla's silhouette in the sunrise takes my breath away!

  14. The contrast is amazing. Love all that color!

  15. WOW, that is some big snow blowing machine!

  16. Love the snow photos. Hope we get another good storm or two this winter.

  17. That is a great photo showing how quickly your weather can change.

  18. WOWSA! Is it mean to tells you it was 77 today??? I wouldn't mind your weather...I likes it cold! okays...maybe that wind chill would gets me! BOL!! Good thingie I gots lots of furs! ☺
    Stay safe and warm my furiends!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Those photos show quite a contrast! We had those winds today too, but ours came mostly with rain, and just a little snow at the end. It's been such a crazy winter here!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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