Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Miss Shyla - you are the best partner in exploring the forest and mountains that I can imagine. Every morning, you are enthusiastic to get out into the cold with me. Your enthusiasm helps me to head outside even when it is bitterly cold.

You seem to love our sunrise photography sessions. Did you notice that you had a black canine chasing you the other morning?

Even when we see 150 elk nearby, you stay by my side. This photo is only one small section of the herd.

You even stay by my side in blizzard-like conditions like we had yesterday morning.

And you watch the snowy elk even when they are very nearby without even considering chasing them.

Quite simply, you make every day brighter, even when the snow is falling so hard that visibility is almost zero. I love having our mornings together. Thanks, sweet Shyla.


  1. Hari OM
    And we, your adoring fans, love that you permit 'mum' to share these mornings with us!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You are the bestest, sweet Shyla♥

  3. It sounds like Shyla is the perfect early morning partner. We love all the pictures of her too.

  4. thanks for sharing Shyla with us and now I am singing me and my shadow for you Shyla.

  5. The wildlife that lives nearby is incredible, and your bond with Shyla is wonderful.

  6. So beautiful! I love the elk in snow!

  7. Life would be so much better if everyone had a heart dog like Shyla. We can learn so much from them if we pay attention.

  8. What a stunning place to share with such a great girl.

  9. I love the photos of the elk and of course Shyla too! How wonderful to have a companion like Shyla to help get your day started.

  10. Shyly thank you for posing and KB thank you for the gorgeous photos.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. That last picture should be framed. As should every picture you have shown us of Shyla! She is one very special girl.

  12. She's definitely not just a 'fair-weather' friend; but a fabulous companion.

  13. Shyla, you are SUCH a good girl!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. What a great companion for your morning walks, although I shudder at the thought of walking out in a blizzard!

  15. Such wonderful photos and Shyla is a special love bug!

  16. Shyla is truly amazing. I can't imagine training Bertie so he would watch a herd of elk and not even consider chasing them!
    Cheers, Gail.

  17. Sweet Shyla is beyond amazing. Stay warm and safe.


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