Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is the master of an upbeat attitude. It's what I love the most about him. But, there's little doubt that life is dealing him some lemons these days.

First, his blindness... He's learning to cope well with that. He definitely knows his cues "step up" and "step down". Both the Runner and I have made errors in when them so that it's not coordinated with an actual step. But, R makes an exaggerated step up or down even when we say it in error. That's a great test to show that he knows the cues! He's also learned a technique for finding the steps off the bed where he feels with his toes. It works really well for him.

 R and Shyla on one of our many snowy days.

Then, there's another twist. His red blood cell count is low but ulcer meds haven't helped it. The vet expected it to rebound quickly when we stopped the NSAIDs and started the ulcer meds. The vet is worried about a tumor. So, R is having an ultrasound on Monday. I have a knot in my stomach about it.

But, R looks as optimistic and hopeful about life as ever.
For now, all that we can do is enjoy every moment with our sweet Black Dog.


  1. Hari Om
    Each of them precious! YAM xx

  2. R knows how to live in the moment - a good skill at times like this. He certainly has had an unfair share of lemons! You do a great job monitoring and intervening as necessary/possible - he's as lucky for you as you are for him. We have our fingers and paws crossed for Monday's results.

    Chris from Boise

  3. prayers for the ultra sound, he looks so sweet and it hurts my heart to think of all he is going through. also very smart.. they look picture perfect together

  4. It is so sad to see such a magnificient animal go downhill. R has endured so many health problems that it's just not fair. Sending positive loving and healing vibes that the low blood counts do not signal a major probem.

  5. Our paws are crossed for your sweet black dog R.

  6. Have fun in your beautiful snow with Shyla, R, and we have fingers and paws crossed for you.

  7. Dear sweet Black Dog, we'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

  8. R you and Shyla make such a loving portrait of sibling love.
    Sending lots of prayers and hugs for your ultra sound on Monday

  9. Most definitely, enjoy each and every second you have.

  10. He'll adapt and find new ways to do things...

  11. Oh dear R, we'll sure be thinking of you and we'll be nervous waiting to hear too. Hugs from all of us.

  12. I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow - good luck, R!

  13. I wish I had magic words that would make all things with R better. (((HUGS))) and prayers for tomorrow.

  14. It is always sad when a loved pet has problems, as they truly are members of our families. Hugz Mxx

  15. Our hearts and prayers are with you and R. We hope it is not as bad as feared. ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Nothing has got the better of R yet. We will pray for him and we will always be betting on him.

  17. Fingers and toes (I have long toes) crossed and love to all of you.

  18. Our thoughts an prayers are with you and R today.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  19. Beautiful boy, I hope the ultrasound finds nothing serious.


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