Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a good week for Hachi. By the start of the week, he was finally over the vet appointment from a week earlier. He returned to being playful and mischievous.

We met with his behavioral vet one week ago, and we all agreed that it was time to try a bump up in his Paxil dose. We started that last week, and no bad side effects have emerged yet. We are on the lookout for any signs that it causes increased aggression. You may remember that his previous med (dog prozac) had that bad side effect, especially at higher doses.

He and I did a solo hike one evening. In the past, he's been very very nervous when we don't have either half of the Duo with us. He wasn't at all nervous this week!!!! The Runner has been taking Hachi out on the trails by himself almost daily, and it seems that he has a newfound confidence. I love breakthroughs!

With me and the Runner, Hachi is so loyal, affectionate, sweet, and playful. I love when I have one-on-one time with him.
My heart says that Hachi is headed in the right direction. That's a good feeling.


  1. yes!!! and we hope it brings more and more such good feelings to you.... wee need this little gifts, they are gas for the engine what brings us forwards ;O))

  2. So pleased that you had a good week with beautiful Hachi. How we miss our dogs' mischievous behaviour when suddenly it ceases!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. he is soooooo beautiful. that second shot is perfect. make that Pawfect… you go Hachi

  4. Hari OM
    My heart sings for Hachi - and you! YAM xx

  5. Hachi you are a super star, keep up the good
    work and enjoy play time.
    Than you for the POTP.
    xo Astro and Mitzie

  6. Your patience with him has been wonderful. Not everyone would do whatever it took to help him. You did.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Awesome! Have fun Hachi, you make me smile with the exuberance you show in the photos.

  8. WTG Hachi...have I told you lately I am very very envious of your beautiful copper colored furs

  9. We are so happy to hear that some nice progress is bringing the smiles back!

  10. We love hearing great news! You look so happy in your photos, Hachi!

  11. Glad the medication regimen seems to be working. Kudos to you and the runner for your patience in helping Hachi. Many others would have given up.

  12. We're so glad to hear Hachi is doing well this week.

  13. Getting out alone without the fur siblings is important. I know we all take turns doing things one on one with Mom so we are used to it. Glad Hatchi had a good week.

  14. It's wonderful to hear a good report. Please give Hachi an ear rub for us.

  15. We are so glad Hachi bounced back from his appointment, and that you are feeling optimistic again!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Kudos for working with Hachi to get things right with his meds and training. Here's to many more breakthroughs.


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