Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Magical Clearing in the Forest

Small clearings in the forest can be magnets for wildlife. I found one that attracted a huge variety of wildlife.

Our winter elk herd passed through it regularly. This was in May, at the end of a long and difficult winter. They seemed thin and tired. But, don't worry - the grass was about to green up, and they'd get happier very fast!

Where there are elk, there are those who stalk the elk. This guy gave my cam a close up examination.

Sadly, a person demolished the cam, and I haven't put another one there since that happened. But, in the meantime, I wanted to share the magic of the clearing with you in video form.


  1. oh deeer... and a lion... why people do such things? I often ponder what benefit they have to destroy things... it's so sad, that we have such idiots on our planet...

  2. Hari OM
    Sorry about the loss of the camera. Your images and film clips will help to alleviate the gloom and doom!!! YAM xx

  3. What a shame about the camera - the video footage you caught is indeed magical. Although Bertie, who has no concept of his limitations, would love to go elk-stalking!
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. Amazing footage. The bear scratching-tree intrigued me - is that something bears commonly do?
    Big shame about the camera. There really are some incredibly stupid people around, who have no concern for anyone but themselves.
    Enjoy your day :)

    1. Yes, bears do that frequently! It's a way of spreading their scents in their territory. I'll have lots of videos like that one early this summer (May or June, here)!

  5. That sure is a magical clearing. It's too bad you can't put another camera back there but we understand why. It looked like that big cat was trying to take your camera down too.

  6. so clear and so perfect, sorry there are people who destroy your cam.. I can't decide which I like the best, the elk or the bear

  7. Also magical to see the changes through the year - a good reminder that life goes on all around us even when our worlds have hit some bumps (or worse).

    I was surprised to see a spike bull elk with the herd, sporting his last year's antlers in May. LOL, what I don't know about elk would fill a good-sized book or twelve!

    Chris from Boise

  8. Really a magical place, so much fun to see!

  9. What a shame there has to be those who destroy. It's fun peeking into the private world of the animals.

  10. Why would anyone do t hat? Love those animals together, and green grass will be so welcome after the winter.

    1. I think that the person didn't want their photo taken. Perhaps they were up to something illegal. Just a thought...

  11. Oh KB per chance was the camera caper done by a feline? Just a guess.
    What a wonderful video
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Nope - not that lion. I am quite certain that it was a human :( I actually can stomach it better when it's a wild animals who destroys a cam.

  12. What a beautiful clearing....and what a shame someone had to ruin the camera!

  13. What a heavily trafficked clearing! Some people are unfathomable.

  14. I loved the video. What a shame the cam was destroyed. Unfortunately there are people like that everywhere. Destructive for no apparent reason.

  15. The video rocks. I'm sorry someone demolished your cam. Not nice.

    Have a fabulous day. Be well. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  16. Look at that HUGE herd!!! How wonderful to be able to watch them!
    I can't believe all the different animals - just awesome! And I think that tree must be the perfect size for the bear. LOL.
    I hate that someone destroyed your camera!

  17. Thank you for sharing the herd. Too bad someone destroyed the camera. Insert curse word here.

  18. It seems just unfathomable that someone would deliberately destroy your field cam. So sorry. What an amazing variety of critters went through that spot though.

  19. So sorry about the camera, but it is so nice to see all those elk, all different sizes and shapes:) That last one through seemed to be listening for something. Lastly we wonder if that bear was one you recognized.

    1. I didn't recognize that bear. It's likely in a different territory than Tiny patrols. I'd love to get to know the bears there!

  20. OMD, bear waddles are the BEST! That sure is a magical place....sucks abouts the camera though. peeps sure can be jerks. Thanks for posting this ~ it sure did make my day!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Why do some people feel the need to destroy things. That is so sad. Great video, though.

  22. I especially enjoyed the elk parade! What a perfect spot you had for your camera, and what a shame people have to be so mean.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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