Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

What a weird week since the last Hachi Chronicle. Hachi loves social distancing, which involves being able to go in the forest all by ourselves.

A few weeks ago, someone asked what Hachi looks like when he's relaxed and playful. We get to see his "Happy Hachi" look while he plays with his sister.

Soon after I took the photo above, a huge storm bore down on us. We got 2' of snow.

Hachi and his sister had a blast together plowing through the snow.

Prancing through the snow!

He and his sister searched for places where the snow wasn't so deep. One place was on our driveway, where they had a wonderful time playing the day after the storm.
We continued with counterconditioning to help Hachi with his fear of nail clipping. He's doing really well. I clipped all of his nails over the past week. A big step forward! Along the way, we realized that other "handling" is an issue for him, like us trying to reposition him on a bed for easier nail clipping. He snarled at me once for that type of handling so we'll be working on that too in the coming week.

Loving Hachi has taught me a lot of empathy. He is afraid, and that is what leads to his bad reactions like when I tried to reposition him for nail clipping. Rather than feeling angry at him, I feel even more determined to help him with his fears.

We love our Hachi.


  1. Hari OM
    And we love watching his development under your loving care!!! YAM xx

  2. Nelly is glad for social distancing too... and me too if I'm honest ;O)

  3. What a great job you are doing with Hachi. And those photos of him romping in the snow are wonderful to behold.
    Cheers, Gail.

  4. We learn so much from you, our Mitzie wants
    no part of nail clipping, and lets us know.
    Going to take lessons form you on this.

  5. we love your Hachi too. that is good news on the nails are clipped. I want to teach Big to swim in the pool, he needs the exercise. we can't give him what he needs. yesterday I managed to lead him on the top step with no problem. the water was up about 3 or 4 inches deep. I kept pouring the pool water over his back and he stood there for about five minutes. when wanted out I let him go. that is a first of getting his feet wet. yay...

  6. We are just loving the playful snow pictures! We have said it before and we will say it again and again. Hachi is so lucky to have you all in his life.

  7. Hachi and Shyla what GREAT photos albeit I was kinda chilly. BOL

    Hachi you have come so far...since you arrived
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We love seeing Hachi so happy to be playing in the snow with his sister. It's snowing a little here today but the weather peeps say we will end the day with just rain so no accumulation.

  9. and we love your Hachi too.
    the pictures are always wonderful!
    how they can love burrowing and playing in that wet snow... a mystery!
    BRRRR!!! xoxo

  10. I think I need to have more patience...

  11. She learned how to show affection and help a scared dog from R, I think. With your guidance of course, but after reading the previous post with R and Shyla, I think he taught her what to do in the way dogs teach each other things.

  12. Look at all that snow, and those happy dogs!! Great job with the nail clipping!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. So glad the nail clipping is coming along. Poor guy having so much fear, but he is lucky you have the patience and understanding to work with him.

  14. What fun those two must have had bounding through the snow!

  15. Love the synchronised ears in the third photo!

  16. Awww, so precious. They so love romping in the snow.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  17. Love seeing those two having so much fun together. We really miss seeing that same fun for Timber with his sister:( You are doing so phenomenally well with Hachi!!!

  18. Those snow pics are sure fun, they sure can romp!!!

  19. I shudder to think what would have happened to Hachi without you


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