Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Throughout his life, our Black Dog has been a big hearted and affectionate dog. That was so important when terrified Shyla joined our family. She was so fearful, and the adjustment to a new home wasn't easy for her.

Just a few months after she joined us, I found our Duo in a sun puddle together. They looked warm and content. I took out the camera to capture the heart-warming scene as they lay together. Unexpectedly, R started sniffing Shyla's nose. She looked surprised!

Then, he kissed her, and she kissed him back.

After all that loving stuff, he asked her to play. She agreed after she realized that he meant no harm with his paw.
As I gazed at those photos, I was so filled with love for R and gratitude for him. I am so glad that we get to have more time with him.

He has the most happy heart of anyone who I know.
Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. these photos from the past have melted my heart into a puddle on the floor. precious memories shared. these photos raised my sagging spirits.

  2. Wonderful memories that brighten these worrying days.

  3. What SuperSpecial photos! You are such a love, R♥

  4. What perfect portraits of the duo :)

  5. R is a very special boy and I too am filled with joy that he can be with you still!

  6. KB I don't think I have even seen a more precious series of photos and the CAPTIONS!!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. He is such a loving dog. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. These are heart-warming moments. Happy Black Dog Sunday.

  9. Hari OM
    yup... all soft and guey here... &*> YAM xx

  10. Such a sweet and tender moment that has stood the test of time.

  11. What a sweet memory! R is such a wonderful dog.

  12. my goodness. what is wrong with me? tears are just streaming down my face!
    so very special. and wonderful KB! thank you for this. xoxo

  13. Yes indeed, they are both very special and we are always thrilled to see their happy lives.

  14. You are making an old lady cry!!

    "and then he kissed her and she kissed him back"
    They are a perfect couple, no doubt love each other.
    We love Shyla and R too!

    xo Linda Astro and Mitzie

  15. We love R almost as much as Shyla does. What a great big brother he has been to her.

  16. The Last Photo - Was That A Double Exposure On Purpose - Beyond Cool - And The Pups, Those Three Photos ARE Worth A Thousand Words - Such Expressive Facial Features - Well Done Humans


  17. Beautiful photos. The affection and empathy between Shyla and R is so obvious, it is incredible to see.

  18. R is a lovely, lovely dog. I know that all of us who read your posts are so happy to have more time with this wonderful dog. I hope he is recovering well.

  19. It is so sweet how gentle R was with Shyla. No wonder they became best buddies! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. That paw on the forehead shot is just precious.


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