Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I were out in the forest together as a monster snow storm moved into our area. I was freezing cold as we were pelted with spring snow but she was happy to snooze on a boulder. She was so relaxed that I had trouble convincing her to open her eyes. The forest is her happy and chill place.
As I mentioned a couple of months ago, we have started Shyla on meds that will hopefully reduce her anxiety. Unfortunately, we haven't seen much effect yet but her dose is low to avoid affecting her epilepsy. Even with the meds, she still gets nervous around people who aren't me or the Runner (so she thinks that social distancing is wonderful). The only good effect so far is that her separation anxiety is somewhat better. These meds take time to work so we'll be patient.

Along with snow, the storm brought fog and clouds to ground level making for murky views. We saw a small cluster of elk, barely visible even though they were close. Shyla is a star around wildlife so she stayed by my side without even thinking about bothering them.

After the storm was all done, the snow was very deep - easily up to my thighs. Shyla is our snow dog, and she seemed to love plowing through it.

She also loved playing with her brother in it.
Every day is better with Shyla in it. Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. We love to see you happy in your beautiful snow, Shyla!

  2. they look so happy in the snow and wow on the curtain of snow out there. I wish I could sleep on a boulder, I have trouble sleeping in the bed... at least out there you have no problems with social distancing for you and your hubby

  3. Hari OM
    ohmigosh... that is some dumping... but Shyla is clearly in her element! YAM xx

  4. That's such a lot of snow, WOW! Shyla does look happy plowing and smiling!

  5. Agreed - Everyday IS Better With Shyla In It


  6. That is a lot of snow! It was very cold here this am, about -7F, but sunny.

    We are debating what we are going to do with Lee's meds in the short term. It isn't a concern about going to the pharmacy to get them (one of the last places still open here) but since she is only destructive when we aren't home and we can't leave our house, does she need them? Time will tell and we have enough at home to get us started.

  7. Lovely to see the snow dogs frolicking together. Great pictures.

  8. Shyla you were practicing social distancing before it was in vogue. WOW if we had snow that deep we'd have to social distance for eons.
    Love the photos...
    Hugs cecilia

  9. It looks like Shyla is in snow heaven. We're glad most of our snow is done falling around here.

  10. I love to see Shyla happy, she is such a good dog. That's how I see her. A good, good dog. And that's a lot of snow, great that you can wade through it. And so good that it makes the dogs so happy. All that playtime must help with their anxieties, doesn't it? I love all the pictures here, the snow, the elk in the fog, and the dogs playing. Oh, I almost forgot - Shyla snoozing on top of a mountain of snow - fabulous.

  11. All New Zealand people over 70 have been advised to stay home!! Friends have offered to shop for us, and this is one time I wish we had our 3 acres or more to walk around. Enjoy the distancing, love that snowy landscape, the Elk are just visible.XXX

  12. I love the photo of Shyla snoozing on the snowy boulder.
    We all need such a 'happy place' right now.
    Cheers, Gail.

  13. WOW! That was some storm! Great pictures.

  14. Goodness that was quite the storm. Amazing shot of the elk through the snow!

  15. Hard to imagine such a fierce snowstorm this time of year. It was unseasonably warm here today and I thoroughky enjoyed it.

  16. Timber would love to have a sibling that could romp and toll like that. He misses his sister so much:(

    We hope the meds work well for Shyla.

  17. Maybe Shyla can be the spokes dog for social distancing

  18. LOVE seeing your 'snowcat' plowing through big snow depths!

  19. Shyla is such a special dog. What a storm you got! We're expecting just a few inches of snow tomorrow, and I'm not even looking forward to that! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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