Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - A Caterwauling Mountain Lion

You might remember that a female mountain lion was caterwauling under a big pine tree for days on end in my previous lion post. In the following days, she continued her loud vocalizing, sending all sorts of crazy sounds emanating throughout the forest. She visited the same spot over and over again. My guess is that she had a big meal cached nearby and was stopping to call on her way to and from it.
Today's video will share this female's behavior as she broadcast her presence. I am overjoyed to have captured this footage - it is so rare to see a lion behaving so naturally.

I made a video of the travels of this magnificent feline. Be sure to keep your sound on so that you can hear her voice.


  1. it is super impressing!!!! and the noises of the night make it thrilling ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    ggfrrrrrppppppuuuuurrrrrrrrr..... &*> YAM xx

  3. She certainly can be chatty when she wants to be.

  4. she is magnificent and really vocal..

  5. I had to laugh, I was playing the video and my cat Saku came running from the bedroom to see who was making all that noise!

    She's a noisy girl!

  6. I cant believe how beautiful she is. she looks in good health as well. do you think she is pregnant

  7. I think it's interesting how her tail twitches every time she vocalizes. How lucky you were to capture this footage. Thanks for sharing.

  8. She's sure not shy about shouting it out!

  9. Music to my ears...she is simply Gorgeous. I love how she shakes her foot of snow. Angel Madi did that when she stuck her foot in her water fountain.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. She's beautiful and she has lots of words. What a great capture.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. She's is absolutely beautiful. Maybe she's saying, "I'm sure I left dinner here somewhere!" 😁

  12. Our cats thought there was another one inside. Her tail, her sniffing, and those calls, what delight in nature, amide these worrying days.Let all the animals stay virus free too.

  13. She is beautiful. Our cats do not like her caterwauling though!

  14. Intriguing...watching her behaviours. So careful to sniff everything. Love the shaking of paws.

  15. Timber is very curious about those sounds. She is a very chatty girl:)

  16. Thank you so much for sharing things we might otherwise never see. It is such a pleasure to read your posts.


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