Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday - For R's News!

We are incredibly thankful that R's spleen has been reexamined, and they still think that the tumor was benign! He won the lottery!

His recovery continues. He loves the process of trying to gain weight. What Lab doesn't love to eat? And, we all are hoping that his body starts making some new red blood cells soon after his splenic bleeding ran him down for so long. Our vet tends to be a worrier but she is content to give these things more time. So, we'll do that while having fun along the way.
We are joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop because we are so thankful!


  1. oh that is so super good!!! we are so happy and thankful with you...

  2. Amid all the other news, this is the V ERY best of all. Hugs to R. the lottery landed at your home.XXXX

  3. We are so Thankful too. Wonderful news about dear R.

  4. What wonderful news to wake up too! We are so happy for R and for all of you!

  5. That is the most wonderful news and we're thankful to see it today, hooray R! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. We are Thankful R is doing so good.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  7. That's fantastic news. We are keeping our paws crossed that he continues to improve and gains some weight.

  8. Oh KB, that is the best news!!!

  9. The First Photo, Yes
    The Second Photo, Oh Yes
    I Am So Pleased For The Two Humans Right Now
    Also, Thanx For Sharing Such Wonderful News With All Of Us Today

    Big Hugs
    P.S. BLK Dog Says He Just Knows That Some Homemade Biscuits Would Really Help Him Gain Those Pounds Back

  10. Thankful and blessed. We all agree!

  11. What great news and such a relief. Definitely something to be happy for :)

  12. R looks so handsome standing up waving at us. prayers for him to get better each day. I am so happy to hear your good news

  13. Oh, so thrilled to hear this (much needed) good news :)

  14. Hari OM
    Yay, pawsitiff health news!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  15. a gazillion virtual high 5s and hugs...what a joyful post
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. That is such wonderful news! I could not be happier, for you and for him!

  17. Indy and I are rejoicing in hearing this news!!!! So so happy for R - and oh my lots of eating for a lab?? Indy would be thrilled he he he!

  18. As the kitties would say, "pawsome!"

  19. oh YES! a relieved heart here. beloved R.
    XOXOXO = hugs for ALL of your furry wonders! XO and for you and Runner too! XO

  20. We are so, so happy for you and R! Yahoo!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. This is the kind of good news we love to hear 🎉

  22. Waiting and having fun sounds like the way to go! Enjoy yourselves.

  23. Now THT is something to be thankful about!

  24. What wonderful news for you and R!!!! Keep plugging away, R - you have such a strong spirit.

  25. What wonderful news indeed. I'm doing the Happy Dance right now.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  26. The most wonderful and truly the best news! I know you all are both humbled and grateful for it, as are so many like me who are on "Team R!" GO R!!! ♥ :-)!!

  27. WoooooHoooooo!!!! OMD, that is FABulous news indeed!!! I am gonna do some happy zoomies nows!! K, I'm back ~ nows, what's for dinner??! What you gets to eat HAS to be better than what I'm eatin'! hehehee
    Keep the peeps safe, and let's pawty with this wonderful news!
    Ruby ♥

  28. So happy for that sweet boy. I'm sure as his life returns to a more normal state he will put on some weight.

  29. Breathing a sigh of relief with this wonderful news. 💖Thankful indeed.

  30. HOORAY!!! We're jumping for joy over here.

  31. Such AWESOME, AWESOME news! We're all so happy for you!!!
    KZK, Cam, & Mags


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