Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 6, 2020

Nature Friday - Bluebird Days

March in our area is the snowiest month. We get huge storms, including one in the early 2000's that dropped 6-7' of snow on us (it's hard to measure when it gets that deep). That's a rarity but 3' is not.

We're starting to see the volatility of March here. We've had a lot of snow recently. It is beautiful when it's fresh, especially on a bluebird day.

It paints our world white. We are still in the grips of winter.

Then, a couple of days ago, it suddenly got much warmer - even melting the snow in some meadows. And, best of all, it led to a few intrepid mountain bluebirds flying up to our high elevation. They just visit at this time of year, perhaps getting ready to claim territories for breeding. They retreat to lower elevations when it's cold or snowy.

I am rejoicing after seeing my first bluebirds up here the other day!
That is a sight that makes spring seem so much closer!


  1. The bluebird is stunning. What a wonderful sight. Lovely the pictures of the forest in the deep snow too.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my... stunning, stunning, stunning!!! YAM xx

  3. How wonderful to have such a beautiful bird visit your backyard. That blue color is awesome.

  4. Your snow is just beautiful and so is that awesome bluebird!

  5. Such a pretty birdie and my goodness, Shyla is always a beauty!

  6. Love the bluebird, we don't get them here! I cannot fathom a storm with 6-7 feet of snow. I'd be trapped indoors for the rest of the winter.

  7. What a gorgeous shot of that bluebird! We've seen a bluebird around our yard occasionally but none have started to be regular visitors yet. We're hoping to have a breeding pair or two again this year.

  8. now this is for sure a blue bird of happiness. so beautiful and that snow is wonderful

  9. Wow, just wow. I would love to see this in person.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. I saw a pair of bluebirds here several weeks ago. I'm not sure if they overwinter here or not? We never used to see any at our previous house, and I'm so excited every time I see any. But that was in the middle of the summer. I haven't seen them again this winter either....maybe they were just passing through?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. It's definitely coming. Here's to a bluebird kind of weekend.

  12. Leapin' Laboradors Shyla go girl go!! That is a gorgeous bluebird. Our Male Eastern BlueBirds have a rusty chest.
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. We always enjoy seeing your beautiful bluebirds...we don't have them around here. Fingers crossed that Spring will head your way early this year!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. I love anything that is a harbinger of spring. I've never been more ready.

  15. I just LOVE that Bluebird!
    And Shyla! :)

  16. What a beautiful shot of that little blue birdy!

  17. These are awesome images! The snow looks so peaceful and quiet. That blue bird stands out so well, nicely captured :)

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