Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Our Black Dog is doing so well. Seeing him get strong again has made us realize how much that spleen tumor had slowed him down, both physically and mentally, prior to surgery.

We took him to an oncologist this week. Her strong guess is that the first pathology report was absolutely correct in calling the tumor benign. However, given that the odds were only 1 in 10 of it being benign, everyone wants to have it tested once more. That's happening right now.

For now, we are assuming that it is benign. It's time to quit worrying quite so much. We are a very lucky pack to have more great quality time with our Black Dog.
Photo from late last winter
I will let you know when we get that final word on the latest test. But we are already thankful.


  1. What a beautiful shot of you sprinting through your snow, R. My paws are crossed for you!

  2. KB - this picture is so wonderful! Look at his face and strong body! Indy and I are so happy he is doing so well. He is an overcomer and so are you.

    Diane and Indy

  3. Cute photo, he looks so happy! I hope all is well with the test. Enjoy your day!

  4. Hari OM
    Everything crossed for the final sign-off... but YAAAAAAYYYYY!!! YAM xx

  5. Yahooooooooo00000000 BLK Dog - Feeling Good


  6. :D So far, so good. Continued mojo for the good Black Dog.

  7. We are so glad that R is doing good, that makes us all very happy too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. We have all our paws crossed that the pathology report is correct.

  9. I say ditto to Millie and Walter...R you have so many purrs, and howls and prayers coming your way
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Prayers for a good prognosis. You're such a beautiful pup.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your siblings and your mom. ♥

  11. he looks so handsome and beautiful in that snow flying photo.. so happy for this good news

  12. How much of our lives depend on a few words, that say happiness so easily. I am so thankful that R is recovering so well, in time to enjoy your last snows of winter. We are in Autumn well and truly, 10C in the porch this morning. Frosts are on the way.

  13. We are thankful as well. Hope all goes well for R as he continues to recover.

  14. He looks back on form....definitely. Smiles here.

  15. One day at a time, right? My new mantra:) We are happy R is having so good of a recovery.

  16. That is awesome that he's doing so well! We LOVE good days!!!

  17. We will send thoughts of thankfulness out there too, hoping for consistent benign results.

  18. Oh I do hope it was benign. Sweet R has been through so much he deserves a break.

  19. R Dog is like a legend. He will always be running in those hills

  20. Look at that beautiful boy run! Today is a GOOD day!

    Chris from Boise

  21. OMD, that is FABulous news! I'll keep my paws crossed that it is confirmed!!! Yes, enjoy every second! You guys deserve all the happiness in the world! {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  22. We hope you get that good news soon. R sure looks like it's all good! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  23. He looks so happy. How wonderful that something is really going his way for a change.

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