Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Shyla Saturday - A Silhouette

The sunrises and sunsets in our mountains can be mind-boggling. This sunset happened last fall in the midst of a train of brilliant sunsets. I showed you another photo from the series but not this one. I think that this one is my favorite.

Shyla is my partner in photography - I couldn't make an image like this one if she didn't love doing it with me. Her expressive silhouette against a beautiful sky is my favorite kind of image.

Happy Silhouette Shyla Saturday!


  1. It looks like she is saying ahhhh I love sunrises... or sunsets, which ever it is.. always beautiful

  2. Wow! You sure do have some spectacular sunsets. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful picture with us. Shyla sure is a great model too.

  3. You do get some amazing images, KB! Kudos to your model and muse :)
    I'm hoping to get Piper out to the pond trails today since the sun is shining, but it's cold and very windy - I just saw a broken branch flying sideways through the air - and I'm holding off for another hour in hopes it will be calmer if not warmer. Would be nice to get a few snaps, too, though nothing like yours!

  4. ohmygosh.
    it's more than just a beautiful picture. it seems spiritual.
    thank you.
    what a gift the two of you have! xoxo

  5. I think Shyla was a supermodel in another life. That girl is gawgeous and such a great poser
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS Grocery stores here are crazy...no paper products finally found some bananas and berries

  6. I would have loved to taken in the full sky of this picture! Mother Nature is AWESOME! And so is Shyla. :)

  7. Remarkable - Absolutely Breath Taking

    P.S. A Hand Full Of Treats For The Tribe From Uncle T

  8. That takes my breath away! So beautiful!

  9. Wow!! Mother Nature really is quite the artist, and you are also the artist in creating such a stunning picture of one of your beautiful girl.

  10. I love her ear in this one, and the colors are simply spectacular!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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