Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is a happy guy. When I head outside with him alone, we have fun. He really loves the snow. Yes, it's still snowing, and it will be for a while - much to the delight of our Black Dog.
He is very eager to go for a short daily run with the Runner these days. It's always his choice as to whether he wants to go. Occasionally, he doesn't want to but he's been leading the way in recent days.

On the health front, we have no results from the second pathology study of his spleen. I sure hope that we hear soon. We are a bit worried because R is continuing to lose weight despite eating an entire extra meal every day. Now, we are trying replacing some of his home cooked food with very calorie dense kibble. We have a phone appointment with his vet on Wednesday. They are trying to avoid in-person appointments due to the pandemic. It's not a good time to have serious veterinary issues but we totally support their efforts.

He seems so content to have the pack all together in these days of "social distancing".
We will feel better when we can put some weight on his bones and when we resolve the nagging issues.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I love you R. Keep eating your kibbles and prayers for you going up

  2. Hari OM
    ...what aunty Sandra said... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Sending love and (from Bertie, who has not quite grasped he 'social distancing' concept) fond licks to dear 'R'.
    Difficult times indeed.

  4. You are just the bestest, R. Paws and fingers are crossed that you can put on some weight!

  5. BLK Dog, Too Cute!!! I Could Only Imagine How Much Fun He Has Rolling In The Snow. These Are Some Wonderfully Captured Moments In Time. That Face, Such A Huggable Face. Wishing The Best Possible Outcome On Wednesday But When BLK Dog Eats With Enthusiasm, Walks With Joy In His Heart, And Is Ready TO GO, Who Needs A Vets Opinion Away? But Seriously, Will Be Sending Vibes On Wednesday.

    Stay Strong & Big Group Hugs,

  6. Sending loads of virtual calories and energy to your sweet boy.

  7. Sending virtual hugs to you all
    Just plain crazy here...no paper products anywhere with in a 2 mi radius. I might have to travel outside my home turf. WE are well.I have enough food for 10 days but the meals toward the end might be culinary curiosities. LOL I wish I could send R some of my extra poundage....my hope is that he is gradually trying to regain what was lost before surgery.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Sweet R, we love seeing the happy you and thanks for the smiles!

  9. Praying for R to be well. Thinking of you during this time. Hope you get some answers soon. (((HUGS)))

  10. We will be thinking good thoughts for R, and hope all gets settled soon. We love seeing how happy he is!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. The blessing to social distancing is more dog cuddle time! Fingers crossed for Wednesday.

  12. You are lookin' very happy R!!! I am glads you are feelin' well, and if you needs some weight, you can have some of mine! BOL! Seriously, I hopes you can put on some pounds (dang, I wish Ma would say that to ME sometime....☺), and gets some delish foodables, so your Moms doesn't worry so. Paws crossed for some good results!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Oh well....as long as he's still going and enjoying life.

  14. It's good to see that R is happy and we have our paws crossed for a good report from the vet too.

  15. Stay happy, dear R. You are my inspiration.

  16. I'm definitely hoping for good/better news on Wednesday. Keep on getting better R!

  17. Wish you were closer my paw would BBQ you a big fat steak!
    Hugs and Love keeping our paws crossed for a good report.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  18. R is quite the trooper. We hope you get those results soon. Our vet is offering curbside service to anyone who wants to drop their dog off and discuss the situation via phone. We are just hoping we don't any reason to need vet services at this time. Lastly we had snow flurries today:)

  19. R is a warrior. We pray you get good results. We hope we don't need a vet either


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