Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a good week with lots of fun and a peaceable attitude.

I cannot over-emphasize how much his friendship with his sister enriches his life.

They run and run and run. And we smile as they do it. So, it's good for the rest of us too!
We've done counter-conditioning every day with him, particularly focusing on clipping his nails. We started with me touching his paws and him simultaneously getting treats from the Runner. The next step was that I'd show him the nail clippers, and he got treats while it was within sight. The third step was both at once - I'd hold his paw and show him the nail clippers while the Runner delivered carefully timed treats. Finally, tonight, I clipped a single nail with no reaction from Hachi!!!!! Woo hoo - progress!!!!

Counter-conditioning is as slow and boring as watching paint dry. A huge key is not to rush it. The small victory of clipping one nail with Hachi happily eating treats made it seem worthwhile to work so patiently with him.
I know that this roller coaster ride of Hachi's fears will probably continue but we come out of each scary part with a better understanding of how to help him.

We love our Hachi.


  1. it's so great to see the fun and the joy... it makes this gray day to a brighter one

  2. Getting our nails clipped is not easy as we hate having our feets touched. You did great, Hachi! Yay! The two of you are having so much fun in your snow☺

  3. Hari OM
    Bravo! Little and often is likely to win and maintain... YAM xx

  4. Hachi is so fortunate to live with you. I wish I had known you back in the days when we had troubled dogs. Your blog would have been so very helpful. I have learned so much from reading about your relationship with Hachi. And what an absolutely gorgeous dog he's grown up to be.

  5. We love Hachi too and are happy to hear he had a good week.

  6. Seeing the photos of them run just shows the joy they have playing together. Glad his counter-conditioning is working. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

  7. so glad to hear of the one nail trimmed. wild clapping here... the first two should be under a caption "catch me if you can" love it

  8. I did the same shaping and pairing procedure for Hailey. She doesn't love it, but tolerates it. It even generalized to a blood draw!

  9. Congratulations on your success, even one nail at a time!

  10. Hachi is lucky to have such a loving family who continually research and implement new things to enrich his life.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Your counter-conditioning efforts are being rewarded when you're finally able to clip that first nail. Well done!

  12. And help him you are. He's know it too. Bless you for that.

    Love the actions shots.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. When Piper came home, she would automatically react to being brushed with a twist and a snap as soon as the brush was behind her shoulder - most of her body, in other words. It's so hard to imagine that now - it's like another lifetime, or a different dog. I hope the same will soon be true for Hachi :)

  14. Love to hear about those first steps! Chance used to scream when he saw the brush in my hand, when he first came back to us. Now it is our favorite past time. Love the reward system. It is a game changer.

  15. There is something about dogs madly racing around that always brings a smile to the face.

  16. A bit like reducing Prednisone dosage, by 1mg, one day , a week, for a month. It all takes time, and what delight as you clipped a nail. I need to try that way with the new boy who has come to live with us, a 12 year old Lilac Abyssinian, the most gentle of all boys, but hates having his paws held firmly. A long story that I will tell very soon. Go Hachi, you will come out right on top in the end.

  17. We love Hachi too, and we are so happy he has you to guide him through his life.

  18. You do such a great job with him! I wish I had the patience you do!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. It's so fun to see Hachi and Shyla running like the wind. I'm glad you got one nail clipped, yes, that's terrific progress!

  20. You have done fantastic work with him. I don't think he could have possibly got a better home.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Your happy pictures make me smile and feel like life is great. Thank-you :)

  23. Oh, good work my furiends!!! And Ma wants to knows if you could clip my nails! BOL!! I am so happy you have had a good week Hachi! you and Shyla runnin' in the snow brings a smile to all our faces!
    Ruby ♥

  24. That is great you are making progress. While teaching him to not be fearful, you are teaching yourself the value of patience. Mom knows it is very hard, but you can do it! He looks so happy playing!


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