Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Starting about a year ago, I decided to try to photograph the full moon as it set over our mountains every month. To do this, I have to ride my fat bike over the snow in the dark to a point where I have an unobstructed view of the mountains to our west.

That task sounds so easy when I type it but it isn't. I have floundered in deep snow some months, just barely making it up to the lookout point in time. One month, I was too late. Then, sometimes, it was absolutely freezing cold, and my Raynaud's syndrome caused my fingers to go completely numb. That meant that I couldn't control my camera very well, and the photographs suffered.

On bad mornings, the Divide was completely obscured by clouds, making my early rise and dark ride useless.

The absolute worst mornings were the ones when the moon was visible but my camera skills were not up to the task so I came away with no decent images. I was so disappointed on those mornings.

So, all of that means that I am absolutely filled with gratitude for each full moon setting photograph that turned out well. This is one of those.
On this Thankful Thursday, I am filled with gratitude for the beauty of the full moon and our mountains, and that this image turned out well!

I hope that all of you are healthy and finding reasons to smile even in the midst of this global disaster. Both our state and our county have ordered us to stay home. We are fortunate that our house is surrounded by forest and empty space so we can venture outdoors.


  1. it is stunning! stay safe and stay healthy... lockdown is not easy to stand but we pull through

  2. Hari OM
    Oh yes, you are in the best of places after all!!! Fabulous shot. YAM xx

  3. awesome shot of mountains and moon. we are so we can go in our yard and walk the streets without seeing anyone, but not as good as your woods are. of course we have no bears, elk or mountain lions

  4. What a gorgeous photo! We feel very fortunate that we can get out for our daily walk. We rarely see others out at 7am.

  5. Not sure I like the idea of you out there in the dark with your wild critters and you not 100% healthy. Of course it did pay off with this magnificent picture. It's the best moon shot I have ever seen. I'm grateful to you for trying so hard to get this amazing photo. And I'm grateful to be surrounded by nature here. It snowed last night and it's pretty now, but I'm getting tired of the cold.

  6. That picture is something to be thankful for. What an amazing scene. You are lucky that you are still able to get out and enjoy all the beauty around you.

  7. Jump Back And Kiss Myself - What A Photo - Extra Biscuits For The Tribe


  8. That is a most wonderful photo, magical! Stay safe, healthy and virus-free. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. I often think of you when my fingers are too cold to "work" the camera very well, and I am amazed at how you manage in your climate with Raynaud's syndrome. You get such great images! And even if you didn't succeed with ALL the full moons, you were out there following your inspiration, so it was a win in that way :)
    I can only see the (unobstructed) moon from certain spots and at certain times of year, but I take dozens of shots on many nights, sometimes out by the barns and often from the "pillowcam" in the wee hours of insomnia, and just recently got ONE image of the moon that I was quite pleased with - it was such a surprise!

  10. I have great trouble trying to photograph the moon, so I am most impressed with this brilliant image. The moon and the mountains are so beautiful, and you have captured them perfectly - well worth all your hard work :)

  11. Wow, that's amazing. So beautiful. You know your way around a camera and I'm thankful for that.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. A moon shot is so hard, and this one is a winner. Raynaud's syndrome, I have several fingers that freeze even on a cooler summer morning. Times like this, isolation in the remote areas is such a bonus, we miss our three acres, but with friends all around, those who wave from the mailbox, those who drop a note in, those who park on the street and collect some spare methylated spirits and spare small hand towels I made from thinner older towels, and we say a hello and farewell from a 2 metre distance, we are thankful for each one. Hope you can manage to do the necessary grocery and doggie food shopping safely.

  13. Your photos are always so amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  14. KB I am speechless which is rare than hens teeth for me.
    Stunning and thank you for your efforts.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Absolutely stunning! Thank you for rising early in wicked cold to make these photos!

  16. What a surreal shot...It almost looks like another planet!

  17. That is a truly magnificent photograph. Your efforts are much appreciated by one who has had the experience of being unable to change gears on her bicycle or zip up her jacket on a cold day due to Raynaud's syndrome!
    Cheers, Gail.

  18. So very grateful for your efforts. A truly exquisite image!

  19. Oh my goodness, that's absolutely breath-taking. Thank you so much for sharing and be safe and stay healthy. hugs Have a great day!

  20. The walls here are getting a bit boring:) But at least the weather has been nice enough to get outside. Your photo of the moon is beautiful.

  21. Wow! I had no idea you were risking life and limb out in the frigid dark to get those photographs. This one is gorgeous. We also have lots of space to be outdoors and stll isolated. And we do look for humor where we can find it. It helps.

  22. You're either a glutton for punishment or a perfectionist. Or both. Either way, the results are spectacular.

  23. Oh, that is one BEAUTIFUL photo!!!! You stay safe takin' the pics, we needs you to bring us the beauty of nature from your nest! It's been a little dreary here lately, butts it's gonna be nice next week, so maybe more walkies!
    Ruby ♥

  24. Well...frustrating, but worth it to get that shot!!

  25. Goals for photos are fun to work on. It gives you a lot of self confidence as you figure out how to do something the way you want it. We too have shelter at home, but it isn't much different for us as we can still go out and walk and run. Dog sports are really missed, but they will be back when this mess subsides.

  26. I didn't think that task sounded easy at all. LOL. It seems well worth that gorgeous shot though.
    We are also under stay at home orders, but are also lucky to have all of our own land to wander around on.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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