Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 27, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday: Male lion on the track of our caterwauling female

I've shared a couple of loud videos (here and here) of a female mountain lion who caterwauled her way around our forest in February. Usually, that means that she is in estrus and trying to call in potential mates.

 I did pick up footage of a male mountain lion who went around to most of the same spots where she'd been. He was clearly a male because he was leaving "scrapes" made by his huge hind paws and he had what one of my friends calls "the fuzzy dice" under his tail. When you get a peek under the tail of a female, you see nothing but the anus. A male has a clear dark pair of enlarged spots. I don't have a photo of that but watch for those peeks in the video.

Here he is marking, kicking back pine needles with his hind paws.

He departed after marking. I tried to track him to see where he went from here but he balanced on a knife's edge of a rocky ridge with no snow. As far as I could tell, he was leaping from one melted boulder to another on an extremely steep slope - so I couldn't track him

A couple of things amaze me about the travels of both lions. They are never far from civilization. You might think that these spots are far away from humans - but they are on the edges of where people live and hike. Second, I am amazed by how well they can smell signs of each other. This male was following the female a couple of weeks later. She was doubtless out of estrus by the time that he was there but he was still on her route.

In the video, you'll see that the lion lies down on the ground and then starts to eat something at about the 1:16 mark. He is eating from where an older scrape is. The surface is pine needles that is doubtless permeated with the scent of multiple lions. Do you have any idea what he might be eating? I am asking because you all taught me that cats, including bobcats, like to eat grass. I'm hoping that you might have ideas about this!

Check out the video if you have time!


  1. Fascinating posts like these help make enforced our staying at home an easier process. How stealthily the male lion moves, even when doing his scrapes. Thanks! Gail.

  2. we totally love the noises... they are strange to us and we enjoy life as it is!!!

  3. Haven't a clue what he's eating. Do love Fuzzy Dice...maybe that can be his name.

  4. Hari OM
    Hehe 'Fuzzy Dice' - yeah that would work! As to the eating? There are some critters who will lick others poo and pee to confirm estrus.... something to do with that possibly? YAM xx

  5. We love it - fuzzy dice☺ We have no idea what he's eating.

  6. I have stopped Big from eating dirt in certain places, nothing there but dirt. maybe this guy likes the dirt where the markings are. I did see the fuzzy dice

  7. We don't know what he is eating either, grubs maybe?

  8. Can't help you with what he's eating. They're such beautiful animals, but it is a shame they're staying close to people.

  9. Now that's a feline. You live in such a wonderful place.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Our domestic cats all eat grass regularly, every one has, so maybe he was too. I have read this is to aid the digestive system. In plainer words, make them poo!! He is a grand fellow, do you always feel safe when out there retrieving the trailcam cards?

  11. I cannot even imagine the surprises and joys your web cams give you.
    Healthy hugs to you all,

  12. Nature in the wild is so incredibly awesome. What a beautiful lion :)

  13. He looks like a healthy one. I so enjoy the big cats.

  14. "When you get a peek under the tail of a female, you see nothing but the anus" That's what she said.
    Thanks for the awesome post.

  15. We are not surprised about following old scent. We have lots hides in a park practicing nose work in the fall, and find them in the spring after all the snow, rain, etc. Noses on animals are something humans can't really imagine. Love seeing the big kitties.

  16. It's always interesting to see how these big cats move around your forest. We know that some dogs like to eat poop. Could that be what the lion was eating?

  17. Incredible! Looks like your guy is a day late and a dollar short in the romance department.


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