Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Shyla Saturday

The desert is a happy place for me and Shyla. Shyla regularly howls with joy when we are there.

We may not get to the warm and sunny desert anytime soon due to the pandemic but we're doing our best to appreciate what we do have.
We are so thankful to live someplace where we can have fun and soak up nature despite the pandemic. I know how lucky we are.

Dogs excel at appreciating whatever life offers them. Shyla is no exception. No matter what, she is joyful about heading out for a romp in the forest. She bounds through the snow and smiles the whole way.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. I think you are in the best place right now for this virus. glad you and yours are safe and Shyla has her howling spots. we just got back from our walk, when we got to the turnaround, we heard weird loud noise. I tracked it down and a line of 4 trash cans one was rocking on its rollers, and the lid popping up and down. Big had a fit and laid down and would not walk. we new it was a critter and used treats and dragging by handle to get Big back home, went back and bob used an ax handle to flip the lid. nothing came out, he peered down into the trash can and a half grown raccoon was peering up at him, the thing was too deep for it to get out. Bob tipped the trash can over half way and the terrified baby fled off into the back yard.what an adventure. we hope he wasn't in there all night.

  2. We do not live as remotely as you but I have never been as happy to live in the woods as of now.

  3. Hari OM
    As each day passes, the smaller blessings increase in value! YAM xx

  4. Shyla,
    You Are Just So Damn Photogenic - Love The Way Your Humans Capture Your Movements, Paws Sprawling For Maximum Pad Traction, And Those Ears - Oh, Those Ears - Keep Howling And Run Like The Windy Mountains

    P.S. Feel Free To Kick The Treat Container Off The Counter Top For The Tribe - It Will Be Our Little Accident

  5. Such wonderful photos of your beautiful and wonderful Shyla!

  6. For sure Shyla is thankful for small blessings and her family.
    Hugs cecilia

  7. My daughter has many online friends whose families are making them stay inside (no outside air at all). I am so thankful for dogs and acreage. I cannot image being cooped up in some apartment or some city right now.

  8. Romping in your forest is not a bad place to be. Stay strong and smile often.

  9. Yes, we're lucky! I am smiling just like Shyla.

  10. You are really high-steppin' it, Shyla! Love both of your photos!

  11. In New Zealand, our "bubble" is our own home, section, back yard, paddock or farm. We can drive to the supermarket or pharmacy or doctor, no gallivanting anywhere else. Those with young children will be finding it so hard, no parks, no beaches, no swimming, no library. no school, but to beat the virus this self-isolation must be obeyed. Normally, I am so happy to be home, but for the next 4 weeks, or longer, as so many of us are thinking, seems a long time. For once, I long to be on a farm, with wide open spaces, or a forest to stroll in, we can walk in our own area, keeping 2 metres away from anyone else out there. Yesterday I had a 12 or so minute walk round the block, saw one man paining his front gate, and another with a small back pack, maybe on the way to the supermarket. Shyla, you shine out there, and will be the much needed company every day to all the others in your "bubble". KB, hope you can manage to get doggie food and groceries OK, and you all keep well. Here, if you need supplies from the vet clinic, you phone in, when you arrive they bring them out, leave on the front step or footpath, and you pay remotely!!! Life has changed, and I hope we all come through as well as we can, coping with changes in our own way.XXXX Hugs to all the doggies too.

  12. Completely understand the joy of having places where you can get out!

  13. We all need to model ourselves after our dogs.

  14. You have three fantastic dogs to help you weather this virus.

  15. Oh, you guys are very lucky indeed! You stay safe and well up there! And keeps bringing us quarantined peeps those pawsome pictures! oh, and do some snow zoomies for me Shyla, k?
    Ruby ♥

  16. Shyla sure looks happy romping in your forest.

  17. Dogs are so lucky that they don't have to know what's going on in the world. They are just happy with what they have. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Looks like you are having good fun. Yes, living in places that we can walk in the wild is a gift for sure, now and always.


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