Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

As our Black Dog has recovered from surgery, he's regained his enthusiasm for hiking with the pack. It's been quite a few months since he's had the spark to want to hike so we are happy.

We did a pack hike as a snow storm moved into the area.

His siblings were running around like lunatics. I am so happy that we live in a safe place for them to run.

Now that R is completely blind, we almost always keep him on leash. He and I lagged behind for a few photos. I love the alertness and energy in his demeanor. It was missing for quite a while.

This week, I also finally got around to trying out his "halo" for blind dogs. We bought this just before his diagnosis so it was sitting idle for quite a while.

The idea is that the plastic "halo" bumps into things before R's face or head hit them. He is standing next to some cabinets that he frequently bangs into. The halo did its job, and R didn't mind wearing it. It's a good idea!
R gained 1.5 lbs this week, just today!!!! We hope that the weight sticks around. His rations have been steadily increasing which he loves! We'd like to see another 2-3 lbs on his frame.

Every day with our Black Dog is a gift. Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Love the snowy scenes with romping dogs!

  2. You look happy with your halo on, R. It's going to keep you safe and that's a great thing. Enjoy your beautiful snow!

  3. That halo seems an excellent idea, if R will accept it. Great news that he's eating better and enjoying the snow. (That looks like A LOT of snow).

  4. Hari OM
    And I say again, we are blessed to know you through this blog and are grateful for the fresh air! R actually looks happy with the halo on. Smart dog! YAM xx

  5. the halo breaks my heart to see it on him, but also I am happy it works and protects him.. he is so handsome. glad he is gaining a little weight back.. yay for the pack snow trip

  6. What an ingenious idea! That R doesn't mind wearing it is indicative of his cooperative spirit. What a sweetie!

  7. Doggie Halo - After All, BLK Dog Is An Angel - Love The Halo Idea - Speaking Of Love, I Just Love That Shot In The Snow Of BLK Dog - Those Expressive Eyebrows And Distinct Facial Features Labs Carry - My Only Complaint Is That I Don't Think Red Is His Color - HHHHEEEEeeeee HHHHHHHHEEEEEEeeeee

    Big Hugs BLK Dog,

  8. He is very handsome in his halo. We hope it helps. So glad the weight is coming back for him.

  9. We are so happy things are going in the right direction for R!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Where did you get the halo if I might ask? Thanks.

  11. That's wonderful for dear R and I'm glad that halo is working out!

  12. Your safe isolated spaces are a true blessing right now, more than ever before. Love the halo, what an innovative idea. Enjoy the snow, your spring must be on the way by now, we have cooler mornings, one cold day when we lit the fire, and the darkness is longer. Take care.XXXXX

  13. KB I'm so happy to read that our Black Dog is 100%. I have never in all my 71 years seen anything as wonderful as the halo...and gaining weight you go R
    Hugs cecilia

  14. R must be a real champ! I can not imagine any of my dogs putting up with wearing the halo. lol So glad it saves on his noggin. :)

  15. That hoop thing is quite clever! Glad you are able to take your sweet boy out for walks in the beautiful forest.

  16. That halo is really interesting, and we are glad it is helping R. We are also glad that he is putting weight back on!

    Those winter wonderland scenes are simply amazing. Here, we are full into spring with bluebells and cherry blossoms and so many other flowers in bloom.

  17. I do look forward to Sundays when R takes center stage. The halo is a wonderful thing and I'm sure it will make his life a little easier. It is wonderful that he is doing so well.

  18. Happy black dog Sunday, R. I can't imagine all that snow when it is so warm already here.

  19. what a totally WONDERFUL fellow R is! I love his helpful halo!
    I think he thinks it's a good idea too. at least in the house! :D XOXO

  20. Every day with R is a gift for your blogger friends too. I know so many dogs on the blogs and a few of them I fall hard for. R is definitely a special dog to me and I'm so glad he's living such a good life with you guys, Shyla and Hachi.

  21. Right now we are kind of wishing we had snow in the yard instead of it raining. When it's too muddy we don't get to play outside much until the grass starts growing. We're glad to see the halo worked for R. He looks like an angel wearing it.

  22. Great news on the weight gain. We have never seen that halo thing before. We would love to have had one for our blind dog many years ago. Love seeing you doing so well, R.

  23. That is quite a clever design, and seems like it won't restrict movement at all - I'm so glad R is comfortable wearing it and it works! And what great news that he is "up" for hiking again - that must make all of you very happy :)

  24. Nothing can keep Black Dog down. The halo is quite clever.

  25. Kar fotoğrafları şahane. Köpekler de çok tatlı.


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