Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Another good week for Hachi! That is pretty stunning because Hachi thrives on schedules and having life be predictable. As everyone on Earth knows, all schedules have been obliterated in the past weeks.

One thing that we know is critical for Hachi's happiness is our evening hike. We rarely miss it.

His play with Shyla seems to lighten his spirits and make him ready to snooze for the evening.

They bound through very deep cement-like spring snow. It slows all of us down but Hachi and Shyla are still speedsters.

That snow will fuel meadow wildflowers in the spring. Imagine a carpet of golden flowers below Hachi in this photo. That vision keeps me hopeful at this time of year.

We continued counterconditioning with Hachi this week. He is now so chill about having his nails clipped that it's hard to imagine that we had to muzzle him for it a few short weeks ago. It is SO rewarding to see progress like this.

We are now devoting more time to using counterconditioning to help him with other kinds of handling. For now, our focus is manipulating his hind end, doing things like pushing to get him to roll his hips to the other side. He's improving already. The goal is that he's eventually okay with us moving him around as we need to for grooming/veterinary stuff.
In other news, Hachi is making more dog and human friends on our trails. He is beginning to make the attitude switch where he thinks that new people and their dogs may be fun rather than automatically assuming that he should be worried about them. It is wonderful that he has new dog friends to play with.

These days, I occasionally allow myself to daydream that there will be a day when the early days with Hachi will be a hazy memory because he'll be almost normal. The fact that these little visions cross my mind shows my optimism.

A good week with Hachi makes us smile.


  1. a hachi in a meadow full of flowers? yes that is a wonderful thing... and we hope it will happen soon ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    ...and us!!! My heart swells at the joy in your words... and those photos. YAM xx

  3. Love the photos of you and Shyla racing through the snow, Hachi! You're going to ace this - you are!

  4. I remember him last spring in a field of yellow flowers. How he has grown and how you have worked with him to calm him, to make him trust, and to be the best dog he can be. He's living the best dog life, in the best place, where a he can roam freely, and is loved endlessly.

  5. We are so happy that Hachi is doing so well, he deserves all the happy times.

  6. your patience with him and the joy of letting the best in him shine...
    it's just wonderful. XO

  7. Hachi you are a very long Pup!! Look at that gallop and Shyla...you are a good sister
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. I think your dream is going to come true! Great job with Hachi. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Prayers for a happy ending to the Hachi Chronicle and he will love everyone

  10. We're always happy to hear when Hachi has a good week. Our mom would love for you to work with Millie to allow her to clip her nails. She doesn't growl or try to nip you she is just a drama queen and assumes that when you touch her toes with the clippers that it is going to hurt and screams before anything is even done.

  11. Aww, so sweet. That boy sure can catch air on his forest romps!

  12. Love it. Hailey has done a good job at keeping our schedule,

  13. The 'good weeks' seem to be happening more frequently.

  14. He is making so much progress, that is just amazing! We too hope he is a basically normal dog one day.

  15. With all the doom and gloom around us these days, it is so wonderful to hear how well Hachi is doing. We cannot imagine what his life would have been if he had not been adopted by you.

  16. This is a happy place to visit. I love that.

    Great actions shots as always and it's good to know Hachi is doing so well.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  17. Your photos are all like a massive ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.Yes, routines have gone, traffic to a minimum, and we must stay home to beat this. I am so thankful you have those open, safe spaces to play with the doggies, and Hachi, you have exceeded all expectations in the manicure department.

  18. I don't think Hachi could have come close to having any better parents than you

  19. The post makes me smile too! I continue to cheer your boy Hachi on!


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