Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog's enthusiasm for runs and walks is still increasing since he had his spleen removed. We think that his hemoglobin levels are returning to normal after his slow internal bleeding from his spleen tumor. However, we don't really know because the pandemic is making trips to the vet rare.
In the very early mornings, he and Shyla go running with the Runner. He recently resumed barking and leaping in the air with happiness before his runs. It's almost unbelievable to us. He used to do that every day, and he stopped while he wasn't feeling well both pre- and post-surgery. Now he is doing it again!

He also loves his evening hikes with the whole pack. Sometimes, he and I linger behind the others.

As we lingered on this day, the rest of the pack ran into a friend. It's one of R's favorite people, and he immediately recognized the voice.  I had trouble keeping even a fraction of his attention on me.

He seemed to say, "let's go see my buddy - I don't want to be too late to say hi to him".
And, we hurried down the hill so that R could greet his friend.

R is one of the most friendly and outgoing dogs who we've ever had in our family. Before the world shut down to slow the pandemic, R was spending one or two days per week flirting with strangers in town. Even though he's blind, he listens for voices, orients toward them, and starts doing big loopy tail wags to draw them in to meet him. He gets tons of pats everywhere he goes. He leaves a wake of smiling people!

He's a lucky dog. He has never been given a reason to doubt the friendliness of strangers, and his personality doesn't have a shred of fear in it. In his younger days, his greetings were too exuberant for some people. Now, he greets people with gentle happiness. He spreads love everywhere he goes.

Happy Black Dog Sunday. Each one is a gift.


  1. Hari OM
    hugs hugs hugs and 87 x hugs plus a few wags, R - handsome and loving lad!!! YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Made me smile to see and read about R this morning.

  3. I love him even though I've never met him! It's always a joy to read about him and how well he is doing :)

  4. We can tell that R is one of the sweetest dogs in all of Blogville. He makes us smile too.

  5. he also spreads love through blog land with these photos of his beautiful face.. so glad he is finding friends and joy with strangers even with his sight gone..hugs R

  6. thank you for this wonderful news of R!!!
    HE is what we should all aspire to be!
    please give him a huge hug from this stranger he's never met! XOXO

  7. He's such a wonderful dog. Happy Sunday R!

  8. R I can tell you one thing for certain if I saw you strolling down the sidewalk I'd stoop down for a great big huggie and Black dog greeting
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. So thrilled to hear your Black Dog is regaining his precious outgoing spirit!

  10. BLK Dog, Follow Those Ears - Use That Nose - And Stretch Those Paw Under The Fresh Blanket Of Pow Pow

    P.S. Best Damn Photos Ever

  11. R, you are such an amazing and happy dude and we love you!

  12. What an uplifting post.
    Long may Mr R continue to spread the love.

  13. Another great Black Dog post. I'm so glad he has never had the anxiety and fears that Shyla has or the even worse ones of Hachi. I'm sure that has helped mold his attitude to even the worst things that come his way. He continues to be inspiring.

  14. We're part of his wake of smiling people this morning.

  15. I cannot help but smile when I read about R - What a true gift this gentle soul is to all who know him.

  16. You write so beautifully about him, it touches my heart and I'm so happy for each and every day you and your family get to spend with this lovely dog.

  17. That spreading-love story put a smile of happiness on my face :)

  18. R never lets anything get him down. He is a miracle dog.

  19. Oh, R, it makes me sooooo happy to hear this! Sounds like you are feelin' so much betters my furiend! I will now bark my happy bark.....okays, I'm back..did you hears me? Ma says the Space Station can hear me, butts so far they haven't said so. Anyhu, I am glads you got to say HEEEY to your friend, and I hopes you can go to town soon and gets some loves!
    Ruby ♥

  20. R is such a special dog! Aging does have its benefits with dogs sometimes, when it makes them a little calmer. We saw that with our golden Sheba who wanted to jump on everyone when she was younger, but was much more gentle in her senior years. She was a dog who loved everyone too.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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