Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Shyla Saturday - Fun while Sheltering in Place

The skies have dumped lots of snow on us this week. It's put a damper on fat biking but I've found other ways to get outside with Shyla in the mornings. Despite being eight, she still has endless energy for bounding through snow or playing with Hachi. She and I are a good match in terms of our need to get outside!

Shyla still gets overwhelmed with anticipation when a walk, snowshoe hike, or bike ride is imminent. She cannot contain her excitement.

When we get out into the snow, Shyla is in her element.

She adores bounding through deep snow, and I love seeing her do it.

During one of the storms, we wandered the forest adjacent to our house. We found this pair of severely leaning pine trees that I'd never noticed before. They are so big!

For snow play, our absolute favorite location is the meadows with endless snow and beautiful sunlight.

Today, the meadows had endless wind too! Do you see Shyla out there?
It's been a good week with Shyla. I'll admit that I wish that we were in the desert, baking in the warm sun. However, for sheltering in place, we live in a good place where we can have so much fun just outside our door. Shyla sure knows how make the best of it!


  1. Hari OM
    Your remoteness and altitude are definitely working in your favour at this time... and we benefit from the views! YAM xx

  2. It makes us smile to see you having so much fun romping through your beautiful snow, Shyla!

  3. agree with Yam, it is to our benefit that you both love the snow and being out in it... I love the charging into the camera like a train Shyla... so beautiful with all that snow on her face...

  4. Shyla sure does look happy in all that snow.

  5. wonderful photos.
    my favorite is the last one.

  6. You and your pups are a good match. Mine would be sheltering in place under the bed covers.

  7. Shyla and KB thank you for the gorgeous pictures and sharing your fun.
    Shyla you are the most gawgeous snow plow I've ever seen
    Hgus Cecilia

  8. Holy cow, we can't believe all that snow! Shyla must be so tired after romping in all that!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. Love those jack rabbit jumps in the snow!

  10. Sweet Shyla, you are a snow romp champion!

  11. Wow, you got a lot of snow! Glad you and Shyla are able to get out into and enjoy it too.

  12. Right at your own back door, no need to travel, safe and secure, and endless fun together, Shyla is at home in that snow, and does not ever seem to tire of it, I often wonder how their legs feel at the end of the day, mine would be so weary after slogging through the deep stuff!!! Must be a bit thick when you leave the bike at home.

  13. A true Snow Dog. You can see how happy she is, revelling in the snow.

  14. It is easy to see how much Shyla loves the snow. We think there must be a touch of Siberian in her blood:)

  15. She's come a long way and is truly living her best life. Wonderful photos, I still love snow, even though it's not easy for me to get around in it any longer.

  16. That Shyla trail is awesome. Were those trees leaning before the storm?

  17. Shyla makes a wonderful Snow-Hound. What a great companion to go with you :)

  18. This household knows all about the need to get outside!
    We always love your 'fun in the snow' photos.
    Cheers, Gail.

  19. All that snow is a bit of a shock to us who are in the midst of a glorious spring!


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