Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Nature Friday - Winter Wildlife Parade

My “snowed in” trail cam had a parade of wildlife go past it over the course of the four months when I was absent. A bear busily marking a tree provided the “book ends” marking the start of winter and the supposed end of winter (ha ha - we are in the midst of a huge snow storm now!). Multiple mountain lion, frosty deer, foxes, skunks, and turkeys all moseyed or sprinted past it.

I put the Noah’s Ark of animals into one short video. It gives me an idea of what it would be like to sit invisibly in that spot where the cam and watch the animals go about their everyday lives.

I am putting together this post from my iPad because my computer is busy being backed up right now. I hope that the formatting turns out okay!


  1. yes... that is like noah's ark...wonderful!

  2. Absolutely beautiful and so peaceful.

  3. It really is amazing to see them venturing by like that!

  4. if not for the time on the video it would looke like the deer and the mountain lion were there at the same time. it seems that leaning tree is a great spot for all the critters.. the turkeys made me smile as did the skunk. my son once had a skunk living under his bathroom sink.... inside not outside, a pet

  5. Beautiful. I love all the entertainment you have.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Wow, amazing amount of snow you received. Love the conga line running through the area. Noah's Ark indeed!

  7. KB this is a wonderful parade and it looks perfect and the galloping deer with the snow crunching under it was the best!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That's a great vantage point to watch an invisible world.

  9. What a beautiful video!!! I really enjoyed all of the animals and the sparkling snow falling off the branches was a beautiful accent!!

  10. Amazing how much happens outside the window so to speak.

  11. We loved watching the parade of animals. Our favorite was the hopping deer. Boing, Boing, Boing!!!

  12. Another day, another wonderful blog with the best pictures on the Internet.

  13. Another great video. I loved the deer bouncing along on their fairy toes!

  14. How fun to see what happens for those months when you are not able to get to the camera. Animals are gorgeous, fun, and interesting.

  15. it is wonderful to see what happens in one trees life.

  16. That's a busy little highway there! That's the kind of traffic I'd love to watch go by. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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