Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thankful Thursday and Blogville Iso-Olympics

Within our family bubble, our brown dogs have been engaged in a snow wrestling competition. This is a little known Blogville Olympic Event.

Every day, when we release them from their leashes, they bolt into action. Shyla usually takes the offensive immediately. On this day, you can see the look of utter terror on Hachi's face as the snow covered Shyla lunged for him.

 Ruh roh, within 30 seconds of the start, Hachi was going down.

But Shyla decided to toy with him, and she released him from near defeat.

She may have been over-confident because, soon, Hachi was on the offensive.
The wrestling match went on and on for about 30 minutes, with one dog almost taking down the other, and then their roles were switched. In the end, it was a draw, just like it always is. We have co-champions of Snow Wrestling - Shyla and Hachi!

As the snow seems to fall from the sky every day, we are grateful for how much the dogs love it. Another 15" is due in the next day so the snow wrestling competition will continue! Thanks for the smiles, Shyla and Hachi.

And thanks to our friends down under for organizing these Olympics.


  1. Congratulations to the worthy co-winners of the ISO-lympic Snow Wrestling championship. Well done, Hachi and Shyla, your performance was spectacular!
    Toodle pip!
    Bertie (who would love to have a wresting companion).

  2. snow wrestling is a fantabulous sports for da owlympigs!!! we are deep impressed how much fun this is!!!

  3. That was exciting—advantage changing constantly. A great event!

  4. Hari OM
    OMD, I am SO glad I bought tickets for this event!!! You are both champions. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. snow wrestlers are so much FUN... congrats to the best snow wrestlers in blogville… we are hoping for rain, the sky is dark, the radar shows rain, if it will just come a little closer..

  6. What an exciting sport that you both excel in! Well done, Shyla and Hachi. Gold medals for both of you!

  7. That was some snow match and we give both sweeties a purrfect 10!

  8. WOW... Shyla and Hachi that is a lot of snow.
    You had us rooting for both of you.
    good thing ya'all have long legs.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  9. How Do You Do It - Post After Post - These Mesmerizing Photos - Capturing The Heart And Soul Of These Four Legged Family Members - Such Characters - So Much Personality - Your Daily Contributions Are A Real Life Saver - Many Thanx Human

    P.S. BLK Dog Is In Need Of A Close By Hind & Seek Treats - Or Just Lay Out A Few On His Bed

  10. Perfect Winter ISO-lympics! and lovely photos, with clever captions, as always.

  11. That was really impressive. We were on the edge of our seats. Glad no participants were injured.

  12. What a great competition between the two Brown Dogs. We forgot to enter the competition. I think the city's snow has frozen my brain. Stay warm. Gotta shovel the walks now.

  13. What a match ~ I'm glad you called a draw. In dog wrestling do you have to pin down more than the shoulders? I ask because with a tail some dogs always have their tail up.
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. Well done. I love your action shots and now you went for the gold and won.

    Have a fabulous day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  15. 15" of snow still on they way. OMDs your brown dogs must be jumpin' with jubilation and glee.
    The snow ISO-lymics was very refreshing and invigorating and gave me a chill too. BOL BOL BOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. They obviously enjoy each other's company. What fun! But 15" of snow, yikes!!!

  17. Great snaps, KB!
    We got snow last night, and when Piper and I went our for a walk, it started to hail! but by afternoon it was gone. Are you able to get in and out of your little greenhouse? I ordered raspberry plants this morning, and the snow was a good reminder to err on the side of caution with the shipping date - I asked for the last week of May.

  18. Very exciting wrestling matches!!! Nice to have these great sporting events since all other sports are banned. Leave it to the pets to keep us entertained:)

    15 MORE inches of snow??? SeriouslY?? Better there than here.

  19. We are getting some snow right now too, but we won't get your amount, thankfully! LOL
    Great job by Shyla and Hachi...gold medals all around!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. Wow oh Wow!! That was some pawsome snow wrestling!!! We did a variation of that called couch wrestling BOL!!
    So glad you participated. (we got snow yesterday but it is melting today)
    Mabel & Hilda

  21. They will have to share the Gold Medal for this Olympic event. Probably not held down under.

  22. Snow wrestling is an amazing event. Great job.

  23. Your event gets TWO gold medals, one for each of the canine wrestlers. Wonderful footage of the match.

  24. What pawsome snow wrestling!!
    Arty, Jakey & Rosy

  25. We are a bit jealous of all the snow you have. Snow wrestling is one of our favorite sports too. This winter we didn't get many large snow falls to have such a big cushion of snow to wrestle in. You two both deserve gold medals today.

  26. You should hire Jack Buck so he can announce this awesome event.

  27. OMD, that is the bestest competition I have ever seen in a Blogville Olympics!!! It was down to the last bitey face fursure!! BOL!!! I thinks it's a tie....BOTH of you deserve GOLD MEDALS!!!
    Ruby ♥

  28. Awesome snow wrestling. We just love wrestling anytime, anywhere, but snow wrestling is something special. How lucky for you getting another load of snow! Ours from Easter is already gone.

  29. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, keep romping!

  30. Oh my lord- laughed out loud at photos and narration! I agree - a gold medal tie!

    And 15 more inches today - we are wild with envy!

    Rowan the Snow Bunny (and Chris from Boise)

    Chris from Boise


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