Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Snowy April

Calm and beautiful start to the day.

Happy Shyla!

Then the wind started.

Soon, we were in a ground blizzard.

Blowing snow obliterated packed trails in five minutes.
This is April in the Rockies.


  1. wow that happened fast...it seems some of your wind came over the ocean and it makes us shiver here .... but fortunately it came without snow ;O)

  2. Wow - that's a serious blizzard! Love you hiding behind your snow fort, Shyla!

  3. Hari OM
    Exciting - as long as you know where you are! YAM xx

  4. pee pie, I see you Shyla... gorgeous pics and beautiful snow and peaceful is so true

  5. Yikes Shyla...Mother Nature is kinda finicky the blue skies are amazing but you are still the STAR.
    hugs cecilia

  6. Brrr! Clear, cold, calm days are delicious. Add the wind - yuck! It takes good gear to stay warm under those conditions! My hat is off to you two. :-)

    Speaking of which, all those snowy photos of naked Mr. Hachi - has he decided that cold weather is not so bad? I seem to recall you were counter-conditioning him to a coat earlier this winter?

    Chris from Boise

  7. So beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

    1. Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. ♥

  8. Oh my brrrrr humbug! Howdy sweet Shyla!

  9. Whew!! So glad your found your way home. Driving in snow is hard enough, but biking must be more so, love the face behind the mound of snow.

  10. THat must have been a tough walk/ride home. So glad Shyla was with you and that you conquered the storm together. <3

  11. Whatever the weather, your mountains are always beautiful - you live in such an amazing place :)

  12. What a beautiful scene you set to the gorgeous photos!
    Stay safe on the trails

  13. We're expecting some this evening into tomorrow. Gotta love springtime in the Rockies!

  14. Wow, that is crazy! Shyla didn't look quite so happy in the 2nd photo! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Shyla seems to enjoy the snow just like mine would. April snows bring beautiful May flowers???

  16. Well, it's beautiful and no trails makes for a real nice workout!

  17. We had a dusting ant I felt it was too much then I see this. Ugh to you!

  18. I think I prefer April in Tennessee

  19. Our forecast for tonight (Wedn) is rain, possibly snow. At this point, all I'm really hoping for is no high winds. I wish I could feel as excited about Winter as Shyla does :)

  20. I have never heard of a ground blizzard but I have been in one.

  21. What a beautiful scene with all that snow. Good think Shyla likes to romp in it.


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