Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Springtime - First Bear Marking a Tree!!!

On a warm and sunny day recently, I trekked to a wildlife camera that has been "snowed in" since late November. I am so glad that I did because we now have a week of snow and frigid air ahead of us.

The cam showed the last bear of 2019 marking a tree while looking mighty sleepy before he finally headed off to a den. The part that made me most excited was that the same bear had emerged from his den and was the first to mark that same tree in 2020. He marked the tree only about 12 hours before I checked the cam.

He was marking my favorite tree - a tree that leans out over the trail. It's overhead position makes for some fun bear dancing.

This guy was emphatic this spring, repeatedly returning to mark the tree again. He's a big bear who could vie for the sows this mating season. Obviously, bear social dynamics are complicated - and this depends on whether Tiny, our biggest black bear, recovers from his injury well enough to compete this spring.

Check out the short video. It must truly be spring if bears are marking trees!


  1. So wonderful to see that some things in 2020 remain the same!!!

  2. Hari OM
    And nature marches on regardless!!! YAM xx

  3. Love him marking on all fours. He actually looks like he's scratching an itch.

  4. The first part of the clip it looks more like he is using the tree for a back scratcher. Maybe he was just tired and ready to go for his long winter nap. Always fun to see these videos.

  5. Great to see, especially since it means spring is finally coming. I saw my first red winged blackbird at the feeder yesterday. Such a wonderful sight!

  6. What an interesting video. He must be hungry, how does he find food with all that snow still on the ground?

    1. There isn't much to eat yet. Their metabolisms take a little while to speed up after they come out of the den so they're okay with not having too much to eat. There is starting to be a little green grass on south-facing slopes so that will probably be what he eats first.

  7. Well there is no mistaking that TREE is HIS!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Beautiful. You live in heaven.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. He definitely seems more energetic now than he did before heading to bed for the winter!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Love hearing him walk through the crunchy snow. The trailcam batteries, they must be super strong to stay active in that cold, are they insulated well? This would have been such a delight to watch for the first time this year, that branch could be a dancing partner!!!

    1. The batteries are lithium, and they tend to do well in the cold. However, if there's a ton of activity in front of the cam, they won't last the 5 months that these ones did. I had another cam in the area under a pine tree. A rabbit seemed to spend every night hanging out in front of the cam, and the batteries drained in about a month. :( I told Mr. Rabbit that he owes me a package of batteries! ;)

  11. Looks like that tree is going to be getting loads of rubs on its bark!

  12. I wonder if the tree was bent and perfect for what they needed or if they pulled it over and marked it so many times it grew in the shape of their backs. I am happy to see they are not on stay at home

  13. What an enthusiastic guy! Love his big yawn before "bedtime" in December!

  14. Really enjoyed watching that bear (he is so big!). Thanks for sharing :)

  15. That BIG bear sure has some good moves:) We hope to see Tiny again soon, and we hope he is well!!!

  16. Bears are just so adorable! We sure hope Tiny is back this year, poor bear.


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