Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a rough week. We raised his Paxil dose, and it was not good for him. I am glad that we now have the hard-earned experience to be able to recognize the bad side effects quickly. We reduced the dose right away.
This time, the bad effects were aggression toward R and increased reactivity toward people Hachi spotted in the distance. We have seen both of those signs with his previous medicine, Reconcile. Fortunately, the reduction in dose should kick in quickly.

Just in case you worry, we always keep Hachi and R separated. I think that we always will. I am guessing that most of you understand that.

While social distancing from people is easy here, social distancing is harder with the elk who have been grazing nearby. Just kidding - they have been close but not within 6'!
It is their time of year to be nearby, and they hung out in our favorite dog romping area a few times this week. Of course, the pups stayed on leash during those walks because the meadows are the home to elk.

Hachi and Shyla did get to play on a couple of walks, and they played with their usual abandon. These two have been getting along well despite the medication issue.

At times, Shyla still seems faster than Hachi. During this chase, Shyla had run him down. She tackled him after this. I am always surprised by Hachi's good humor even when Shyla takes him down.
Life with a dog who needs intensive rehab is up and down. There is no straight line involved in healing.

I think that we'll have a better report next week. Our experience tells us that it won't take long for the reduction in Paxil dose to take effect. Then, "Happy Hachi" will return.


  1. how impressing to see his fab muscles while running ;O) we understand you, some things work not like planned, so we have to separate them to avoid hard times... I always thank the lord, that our two went along well after a hell-week... otherwise we had to take action too...

  2. Great to see Shyla and Hachi at play.
    And fingers crossed that you've found the right level for dear Hachi's medication.

  3. Hari Om
    I guess you have to test the limits - and now you have a guage... Love that last shot! YAM xx

  4. prayers that Happy Hachi will appear soon... I do understand, because we had the Jake and Cooper aggression but not with Baby. Until Cooper went over the rainbow bridge, Jake slept in his crate at night, the other two slept on the sofa. and if we left home, Jake was contained the others left out.

  5. We're sorry to hear about Hachi having a bad week. He sure does look happy even with Shyla catching him. Around here Walter us usually in the lead but Millie uses her brain and often cuts him off to catch up with him when they are chasing each other around the yard.

  6. Yes I do understand that. Keeping pups separated most of the time is less stressful for the pups and for you.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays. Such fabulous action shots.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. In the meantime, it's wonderful that Shyla is there for Hachi.

  8. Those two really were having some serious romping fun!

  9. You and Shyla look like you are having lots of fun together, Hachi. Fingers and paws are crossed that the perfect dose is found.

  10. Hoping happy days will be just around the corner.

  11. Hachi bless your little heart. Looks like Shyla's mission is to keep your spirits up..I love that last photo
    Here's to a better week
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. It is wonderful that you are so tuned in to the changes in Hachi and how they relate to his medicine. We hope you see a good change this week.

  13. We're so glad that Hachi and Shyla continue to get along well, and hope the reversal of the Paxil dosage increase does not bring any other negatives with it.

  14. It seems odd to me that medication that is supposed to help him can make him worse? I'm glad at least difficulties like these don't affect his good relationship with Shyla.
    It really is a lot of ups and downs, and a balancing act, but I have no doubt you'll keep working at it and things will get better again. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. As we are all learning, safety is number 1 and if the boys need to be apart, that is sad but necessary. Hope the side effects are gone soon.

  16. That's an incredible photo. Like a lioness bringing down a gazelle.

  17. I've said it before, Hachi is lucky to be with you. I'm so glad he has so much fun with Shyla. I'm pretty sure the elks would not be as much fun!

  18. We hope Hachi has a better week. We know the importance of medicine.

  19. such a fine line sometimes. So good that you are so in tune with the changes in Hachi and made a fast adjustment.
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. Must be great to see elk in the meadow - I saw them once in the distance, grazing beneath pine trees. Always love your pup-photos - you get some great shots of them! Stay safe, Mxx

  21. Mom tried medications for Emma's issues for a few months, but the effects were so hard to deal with, she gave up on it and decided to just separate and let it go at that. Hopefully Hatchi will feel a lot better this week and we are glad he still plays well with Shyla.

  22. Ya know we are rooting for you and Hachi! Here's to a better week :)


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