Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

I was dreaming of our Black Dog making it to the desert with us this spring. I'm embarrassed at how disappointed I am that we can't go. I know that it's a small disappointment in the big picture.

But, our Black Dog has shown me that I should look forward rather than back. So, now I am dreaming of summer days with our Black Dog.

Even better, says our Black Dog, is to enjoy today. He loves every season, even April snow!
So we are seizing these days, in Black Dog fashion.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    Yup, I'm with you R!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You are living life to the fullest, R, and loving what you do have♥

  3. Aren't we lucky to have such good teachers, KB?
    And is that new snow? WOW!

    1. It was from last week. It is melted in all the meadows now but the forests still have deep snow. Gotta love April here!

  4. There He Is - Such A Handsome Boy - The Desert Floor Is Blooming With A Variety Of Colors - Wish You And Your Tribe Were Headed This Way - However, Your Memories Are More Powerful Than Reality - Extra Treats For All - Stay Strong Human - Stay Strong


  5. we all need to take lessons from your big black dog... hugs R...

  6. I understand, and don't feel bad about feeling that way. But just try to enjoy the lovely time you have with your dogs at home. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. We can learn a lot from Black Dog. Take care and stay well!

  8. Black Dog is always teaching me important lessons, this one is very needed these days. Thank you.

  9. I love her paw gently over his. "I'm here" XO

  10. Not only is Black Dog handsome he is very wise.
    What wonderful photos...the first one with their paws crossed made my heart sing
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. KB
      Ps tomorrow is my hubby's 76th bday I'm having a virtual pawty on the blog...drop by if you can.
      Hugs Cecilia

    2. I will be there!!!! Happy Birthday to Cecilia's husband!

  11. That is one of the best things about dogs...living in the moment. May your 'moment' fill your heart with joy and smiles.

  12. We all have to make the most of every day, in whatever way we can. You have that great outdoors right there, we still cannot travel, having to stay in our own region, but I am guessing that region will expand somewhat for many. Love that face with snow, he smiles with delight, such a trooper.

  13. We should always be like the dogs...just enjoy what you have at the moment.

  14. The simple fact that Black Dog is recovered and is with you is such a huge gift in itself! Enjoy him every minute of every day!

  15. It is ok to be disappointed in these times, even if it seems small. The blessing is you still have time with R, just in a different location.

  16. R sure is a wise fellow. We hope you have lots of fun romps in the spring (whenever it decides to come to your neck of the woods) and summer.

  17. R is right, and I know how you are feeling. I am also dreaming of summer ...

  18. Black Dog is our hero. Keep climbing higher buddy.

  19. Oh, R, you makes my heart melt! Lookin' good my furiend! It was 85 yesterday, and I dreamt of your cool snow, and doin' doggie snow angels...
    Ruby ♥

  20. He's just one of those special dogs. Wise, patient, and loving. A noble dog.


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