Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Our Hachi had another up and down week. Just as we felt like he was relaxing a bit after the short-lived increase in his Paxil dose, he had a tough 12 hours with two aggressive acts toward R. I think that the reason was that we tried doing some training during our evening hike. We used food rewards while keeping the dogs well-separated. Perhaps the introduction of food rewards brought out his resource-guarding tendency which led to those two events after the food had been put away.

He had tons and tons of fun with his sister after a big snow storm. They love to chase and play especially in the snow.

I love how connected they are while playing. They have their eyes on each other most of the time. Their expressions can be fierce but it's all part of the play charade.

Their fierce expressions rapidly give way to camaraderie as they race side by side.

Hachi did wonderfully with counterconditioning for paw handling this week. We worked on nail clipping and on putting on his boots (with hope that we'll be in the desert where he needs them sometime this year). He was super relaxed and easy to work with during those sessions.

The Runner made a scratch board so that the dogs can file his own nails. It's a board with black anti-slip tape on it. I am not exaggerating - it took less than 5 minutes to teach him to scratch the board with his front nails using a clicker and treats. In that one 5 minute session, he filed his front nails down to the length that I usually clip them to. Hachi seemed to have a blast doing it. Aside from his front dew claws, we will be using the scratch board for his front nails from now on.

Teaching him to scratch the board with his hind paws will be a lot harder but I'll give it a try after the front paw scratching is a solid and stable behavior. Hachi learns incredibly fast so I bet that we can do it.

That's the Hachi report. I feel optimistic that we'll get back to a smoother trajectory at some point.


  1. oh can you share the scratch board please and how you made it? maybe we can nail the nail-thing too with such a board?

  2. next time you train Hachi to scratch the board, could you do a video? we have to take Big to vet to cut his nails. so glad he is doing well and sorry about the set back

    1. I second that. Please publish the video, as well as how to make the scratch board.

  3. Hachi really is a fun guy and we hope the aggression towards R goes away soon.

  4. Hari OM
    WTG on the scratch board! Clearly Hachi thinks it fun, or he wouldn't be so quick on it. You ARE winning the game, no matter the setbacks. YAM xx

  5. Over all it sounds like Hachi had a good week. That scratch board sounds interesting. Maybe we could teach Millie & Walter to use one too.

  6. Wow on the scratch board. Never heard of this before, but it's better than trying to do it yourself. Worked sometimes and other times not so much.

    Great action shots as always.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. This scratch board sounds like something we all need to have. Good job, Hachi! We love the photos of you and Shyla at play!

  8. The scratch board, a grand way to trim nails, Felicity was so easy, hold gently and trim, Boris? haven't even tried, he seems to be OK, Moxy, his are so long, and even when I held him and held the special clippers he struggled. Guess I will try your way, hold his foot, do that a lot, then hold and show the clipper, the same, then try one long claw. For Hachi, he might always be protective when he is near food, that instinct just so built in. You have that inner spirit to cope and conquer whatever Hachi has to throw your way,

  9. What a brilliant idea (scratch board). Nail trimming leaves me anxious, I can't imagine what it does to the dogs. Luckily we walk on concrete sidewalks that helps keep them reasonably trimmed.

  10. Hachi well done on learning to give yourself a mani-pedi. Runner is quite cre8tive. Golly gee I wish I could cut my hair. It is getting so long. Hugs to you 5

  11. I can't imagine being aggressive to such a gentle and loving and blind dog like Black Dog!

    then it crossed my mind that in his pre-rescue life on the streets or wherever he was found...
    that perhaps Hachi had to defend his food from other males. and so it might never be resolved.
    it would be a basic instinct for his own survival and thus never forgotten! how can one know?
    but at least he has Shyla to play with. he doesn't seem to be threatened by her at all.
    sending love to each of them. and to you and runner as well! xo

  12. Maybe he's imagining he's digging while filing his nails.

  13. That scratch board would come in very handy these days since the vets here are not doing routine nail trimming. We try to keep Lightning's short, especially the back ones because he drags those feet. Of course, getting him to use one would be very interesting.

    Hachi has come so far that we feel confident he will be fine in all areas one of these days.

  14. A friend of ours took a class on teaching her puppy to do her own nails. An interesting concept, but a great idea for a fearful dog like Hatchi!

  15. Seeing those two running like that, makes me wish for every dog to have a playmate.

  16. That is an amazing way to do nails. You are brilliant.

  17. Oh, that scratch board is FABulous! If I did that, I would scratch my pads....and that wouldn't be good ☺
    I am so happy Hatchi is smarter than me! BOL! I loves watchin' you guys run and play! And I am dreamin' of that snow!!!! JEALOUS! it's gonna be 85 tomorrow....sigh.
    Ruby ♥

  18. I am glad the week left you feeling optimistic,

  19. At least Hachi is back to letting you handle his paws, that is good progress! I used a scratch board for Luke's front paws, but I never did figure out how to get him to do the back ones.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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