Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 10, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - A Lion in the Midst of the Wildlife

It's just an average Ponderosa Pine tree in the forest. It has a deep bed of dead pine needles below it and sweeping low branches reaching out from a rotund trunk.

Although its appearance is normal, it is located in an auspicious spot at the top of a deep gully that channels cold air from a hillside down to a canyon. Mountain lions love spots like this one.

Indeed, visits by mountain lions outnumbered all other species combined this winter by a ratio of about 10 to 1. They adore this marking spot.

Here was one arriving on March 10, almost hip checking my trail cam.

Prior to the lion's visit, a mule deer buck had innocently wandered through, thoroughly sniffing the lion scrape and scent.

And, just after the lions visit, a hulking bull elk had ambled through, nose glued to the ground as he sniffed.

Here is a video of the animals coming through that spot, including rare daytime footage of the mountain lion on March 10.


  1. beautiful... we love it so much to see real nature and life...

  2. I think your camera is placed at a perfect spot, being able to see such wonderful animal visits to this site. Thank-you for sharing them with us :)

  3. What a wonderful wildlife parade.
    Bertie is suffering from mountain lion tail envy.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh my... parade indeed - and that cat is SOOOOO handsome!!! YAM xx

  5. That sure is a great location to see lots of your wildlife. We always love to see these glimpses in what goes on around you.

  6. That's definitely a hot spot! My favorite part was seeing the lion rub her head on that branch just like a domestic cat would do!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pet

  7. I love your videos. Us city dwellers don't get to see this kind of beauty.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. This is so cool! Thanks for sharing KB! ❤️

  9. I'm thinking it is a good thing the cat didn't show up when the elk or the deer wandered through. I do so enjoy your videos, it's amazing to see the wildlife so close up. Thanks for sharing.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. Ohhh my goodness that was a very close up and PURRsonal view of the beautiful feline.
    Mr. Mule Deer needs eyes in the back of his head.
    Hugs and Happy Easter Weekend

  11. I love ponderosa pines...they smell soooooo good!

    Thanks for the wonderful wildlife fix!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. What a delightful mixture of them all, and at separate times, maybe they have that instinct to know when others are near. Super trailcam footage, just what we all need right now, to know that there are safe places in this world.

  13. Every species has a favorite spot I guess. The more that spend time at the spot, probably the more interesting it gets!

  14. Quite a variety of animal visitors. That mule deer better be careful.

  15. I think the animals are watching the virus hoping to get some of their land back.

  16. It's as if a NCIS team visited the forest! They all must be getting amazing clues sniffing around at that site.


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